New member
Simple job changing the anodes. Don't need a lift out, just beach it & swap over - nothing simpler. Of course it means spending the whole day waiting for the tide to ebb & flow, but think of the cost saving . . .
Except when you need to dig out a big hole in the ground as the boat settles in the ebb so the drive (in beach position) doesn't prop the boat up. And when you then need to dig out an even bigger hole because you have to lower the drive again to fit the stendrive anode, and when you realise that Volvo dealer has obviously sent you the wrong transom anode, and even though they fitted the drive and you quote them the drive number, they still insist that what they sent you is correct, and after you pay a professional engineer on call out to phone them & tell them that it is definitely wrong before they believe you, and then tell you that they don't have any of the right ones in stock so you have to go through the whole procedure again, and then have the affrontery to invoice you for the replacements . . . . it gets a bit annoying.
Except when you need to dig out a big hole in the ground as the boat settles in the ebb so the drive (in beach position) doesn't prop the boat up. And when you then need to dig out an even bigger hole because you have to lower the drive again to fit the stendrive anode, and when you realise that Volvo dealer has obviously sent you the wrong transom anode, and even though they fitted the drive and you quote them the drive number, they still insist that what they sent you is correct, and after you pay a professional engineer on call out to phone them & tell them that it is definitely wrong before they believe you, and then tell you that they don't have any of the right ones in stock so you have to go through the whole procedure again, and then have the affrontery to invoice you for the replacements . . . . it gets a bit annoying.