Anchors. I hate to do this but...

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26 Feb 2011
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My understanding is that this thread has now reached such epic proportions that Universal Studies is negotiating with YBW for the movie rights. I believe they have already contracted with Charlie Sheen in the role of Craig Smith, and are working to sign Wilfred Brimley as Rigger Mortice, Sean Connery as Ubergeekian, and Ben Afflack as the bent tip on an Ultra.

I hear they were in conversation with Andy Griffin to play me, but decided he was too young and agile minded for the part.


19 Mar 2011
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Scotty wrote;
Possibly best if you all shut up bad mouthing and try encourage us with straight honest fact.

Well Scotty it is a bit difficult when you have someone whether it be an anchor manufacture, or just someone looking for advice, Mr .C has continuously popped up and redirected traffic all most immediately to try and discredit anyone in opposition or sell his product to the unwary, maybe when he is gone witch is not far away you will for the first time in many years get some positive fact.[/COLOR]

Scotty wrote;
Looking at Brians last post above.....Why should Spade need to copy the Rocna styled anchor with a roll bar?.... they must be very good if they need copying!

Brian said that Alain was a very intelligent man, can you think of a better present to leave behind for someone that has hounded you for so long, not one but two hoop style anchors, they look far better than the Rats and you may find they are competitively priced, Jack pot Alain, poetic justice I call it, I my self-know that anything concave with a hoop will not perform as well as one without, Alain knew this two, so why did he leave this going away present.

Scotty wrote;
I was on a boat with a CQR that bent almost the same as that many years ago.
A good job it did, otherwise the skipper would have ripped off half his bow on the dockside.
Most important thing is that the materials did not break or welds part I would think.

You are exactly right Scotty, anchor shanks will always be bent, it should be understood that this is normally only done when retrieving an anchor, I know of many CQR’s that have snapped of at the pivot leaving the crown behind, better off with a bent one than none at all, if the anchor shank is constructed of very high tensile steels it will, make no mistake snap of.

Anchor right Australia.


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23 Jun 2004
Me: Castle Douglas, SW Scotland. Boats: Kirkcudbri
You are exactly right Scotty, anchor shanks will always be bent, it should be understood that this is normally only done when retrieving an anchor, I know of many CQR’s that have snapped of at the pivot leaving the crown behind...

That's said to be a feature of the el cheapo cast ones, and is why I go for proper forged CQRs.

Sans Bateau

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19 Jan 2004
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My understanding is that this thread has now reached such epic proportions that Universal Studies is negotiating with YBW for the movie rights. I believe they have already contracted with Charlie Sheen in the role of Craig Smith, and are working to sign Wilfred Brimley as Rigger Mortice, Sean Connery as Ubergeekian, and Ben Afflack as the bent tip on an Ultra.

I hear they were in conversation with Andy Griffin to play me, but decided he was too young and agile minded for the part.

I get your drift, but if its made into a film, I think they'd need the director from 'East Enders', all the arguing going on!


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31 May 2001
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I know of many CQR’s that have snapped of at the pivot leaving the crown behind, better off with a bent one than none at all, if the anchor shank is constructed of very high tensile steels it will, make no mistake snap of.

Anchor right Australia.

Yup happened to me. Fortunately when trying to park in benign conditions so no harm done and a BIG Danforth as a kedge which got moved to the pointy end.


19 Mar 2011
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Hi Ubergeekan,

Interesting you should say that,casting my mind back I have seen a few CQR's genuine that is with bent shanks, the ones I saw more recently, were very large CQR's on fishing trawlers north east of Qeensland, come to think of it the shanks wern't bent even though they were snapped of at the pivot.

I say intersting as they were not Chinese but made by a reputable company,no I won't say who as there have been enough wars here,it is strange though as the shanks were droped fordged and extremely heavily made.

These guys operate in lime stone so they regualary brake them of, they don't have trip lines on them just simply take there chances and averadge two snapped anchors every three months during the season,but there are a few boats.


Anchor Right Australia.


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26 Feb 2011
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Steve Bambury

I was reading, again, idpnd's quote from Steve on Rocna, Carig et al.

it was interesting that in the 2 quotes Steve was saying that Craig had moved on, one wonders why (and I paraphrase: knowing that Craig had done some good work?) he did not bother to release the same information to other forums. After all if Craig had gone to Antarctics, presumably for the southern hemisphere summer, then the quotes are a good few months old. Obviously the good work Craig had done for Steve was well remunerated as maintaining communications on the forums with the frequency Craig achieved using satellite would have drained even a large wallet and might the Antarctic Odyssey be a bit more of the smoke and mirrors. Craig has been asked a number of times to define his sailing experiance - it would have given us something to think about if we had a contribution from Craig advising us of his exotic locael and an image of him and King penguin.

I hope the film budget is high - Charlie Sheen in the Antarctic looks expensive.

Possibly Steve has been busy awed by his Chinese production and simply did not have time to bother with mere customers - looks as if somethings do not change.


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20 Jun 2005
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Man have I seen some dribble before but I think this thread does have to rate right up there in the dribble stakes, especially out of one or 2 posters in particular.

Please don't tar Peter with Craigs brush, they are 2 very differing people in many ways. I very much doubt Peter would condone much of what has been said here.


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3 Jun 2009
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Man have I seen some dribble before but I think this thread does have to rate right up there in the dribble stakes, especially out of one or 2 posters in particular.

Please don't tar Peter with Craigs brush, they are 2 very differing people in many ways. I very much doubt Peter would condone much of what has been said here.

I certainly agree with you there


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26 Feb 2011
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Grant and Gmac - surely its drivel, ravenous hounds dribble - we have the man(ifestation) of one occassionally which is the whole point of the thread. We only spout drivel, though surely there are some pearls amongst it and it is in a good cause (even if you do not agree with the cause).
25 Feb 2010
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. I very much doubt Peter would condone much of what has been said here.

Smith Jnr has been spouting what has been called "dribble" around the world since 2007; some of it on the site jointly held with Smith Snr.
You may be right that, in his heart, Smith Snr does not approve it but he has not restrained Jnr and, by remaining silent, he has effectively condoned Jnrs "dribble".


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3 Jun 2009
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In some ways I understand what you are saying, but all the manufacturers have been putting up with CS's taunts and innuendo for years. I, for one, am delighted to see them saying "enough is enough" and giving him a taste of his own medicine. Good on 'em!

We have also had some really good information from Manson, Fortress, Anchor Right and , indirectly, from Spade. What also stands out, is that they are all able to work together in a competitive world, without slagging each other off. There is only one company that they have in their sights....and we know who that is.

If you are correct about a forthcoming change in the law then all I can say is "get it off your chests now gentlemen. You've been subject to years of attacks....get in while you can!"

I must admit that I thought that this thread was nearing the end of it's natural life. Maybe I was wrong, so here's a picture of a Ranco anchor which was posted on Anything Sailing a couple of days ago. In his patronising way CS appears to be saying that it is designed to bend like that!

This happened at GPS 45° 23’ 800 N ; 12° 17’ 500 E, sandy bottom, anchored overnight, no resistance when lifted in the morning.


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26 Feb 2011
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Extra terrestrials


If the inventor and the current CEO both live on Mars then you need to expect strange things. It must be difficult in Antartica to keep in touch but on Mars? There is much more to this story (in Venice). Maybe we should cancel that film contract and get BBC Wales involved, don't they do the Dr Who scripts? I'm a bit older, maybe we could bring back Blake's Seven?, or to really show my age, Reach for the Stars (or was it skies?) - but that was just radio.

But in any event fill in some of the, Venetian Blinds, (sorry) gaps.

Its a bit deep for anchor testing?


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7 Apr 2004
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Did I already answer this? Just in case I didn't

...has anyone experience of the Manson?

Dear Twister Ken. Just in case you're still of sound mind and reading these posts, I've no clue what 500 others have said, but Yes...I have experience of the Manson. It does what it promises. Would I buy another one...Yes. That's about it!


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20 Jun 2005
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Hi Gmac - so does Peter live on Mars as well?
Nope, he lives on his boat in far off lands with no internet access. But even if they could get internet it would be useless, Peter doesn't even know how to turn a computer on let alone any desire to use one. Peter is a real genuine nice guy.

Sadly it appears his son has no desire to listen to his parents, which is a shame. I have witnessed the interaction between the two and about all I can say is that if my kids spoke to me like Craig has been seen speaking to his dad on occasions, I'd beat the c**p out of them.

Craig is a smart dude, no question about that and maybe in a little the wrong way, but just won't listen to people he should, his parents included.

Peter has next to nothing to do with the current Rocna entity, Holdfast, nor his sons rampant interwebbing. I just think it's unfair for him to be tarnished due to Craig and Holdfasts actions, or lack of as the case maybe.
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