Anchors. I hate to do this but...

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22 Nov 2010
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The news about Alain, the developer of the Spade anchor, was sad indeed. I kept a file of our correspondence and a small archive of his e-mails, and Alain was quite a character whom I will remember fondly.

I checked Alain's old web site address, and I was shocked to see that it was now pointed to another anchor manufacturer. You will never believe who. Click on the link below:


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25 Jan 2004
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I checked Alain's old web site address, and I was shocked to see that it was now pointed to another anchor manufacturer. You will never believe who. Click on the link below:

That (the article to which the link directs, not the hi-jacking of the link*) is appalling. It purports to be an objective round-up of 'New Generation' anchor types, written by one Peter Smith, yet only acknowledges his extreme partiality in one passing reference when he describes himself in the third person.

Many have said it before, and I have no confidence it will be taken on board by Rocna's marketers, but let me make my view clear: the Rocna is by all accounts a superb anchor. If it were allowed to speak for itself, I might well buy one. But since it isn't, I never will.

*Whether or not that's appalling will, I suspect, be self-evident to any reader.


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31 May 2001
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I checked Alain's old web site address, and I was shocked to see that it was now pointed to another anchor manufacturer. You will never believe who. Click on the link below:

That news alone makes me glad I didn't pass money Rocna's way.

Sad about Alain/Hylass.

Was it him who had a hinged loo seat in the pulpit of his boat? I liked to imagine him sitting there with a copy of Le Monde.


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9 Jun 2010
Near Andover, Hampshire and Portland, Dorset
I thought you were joking, sadly not.

Buying a dead competitors domain and using that site to promote daddy's design....words fail me

Surely this is getting a little silly.
Alain has sadly died recently.
His old domain name is now being used by a competitor.

We don’t know when it was transferred!
Alain may have sold the domain name ages ago!

And now we are accusing Craig of being a grave robber?




14 Jun 2005
New Zealand
He hadn't died when it was bought Snooks, I would have expected a little more rational input from you given your associations rather than the knee-jerk excitement certain interests on here are keen to push. The domain was bought once it expired primarily to investigate how much traffic it was getting; then it might as well be directed somewhere.

The article itself was originally a direct response to a very similar article written by Poiraud which is still on the website for the Jersey distributor of Spade.


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12 Jun 2001
Me: Surrey Pixie: Solent
He hadn't died when it was bought Snooks, I would have expected a little more rational input from you given your associations rather than the knee-jerk excitement certain interests on here are keen to push. The domain was bought once it expired primarily to investigate how much traffic it was getting; then it might as well be directed somewhere.

In that case you have my full and unreserved apologies.

I'll edit my post now


Active member
12 Jun 2001
Me: Surrey Pixie: Solent
We don’t know when it was transferred!
Alain may have sold the domain name ages ago!

And now we are accusing Craig of being a grave robber?

The domain was created in Sept 2010,
(Created on: 01-Sep-10, Expires on: 01-Sep-12, Last Updated on: 04-Nov-10 all available using a WHOIS search)

You must admit that Sept last year could be perceived as quite recently? This was why I jumped to the wrong/incorrect/misinformed conclusion. Which again I apologise to Craig for.

I think there is quite a difference between buying a domain and robbing graves.


19 Mar 2011
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Hi all.
Rex Francis here again, Alain Poiraud, this man is a huge loss to the Marine industry, his anchor designs were inspirational and motivated inventors such as myself to keep going, Brian’s latest post, hi jacking or not, can you believe the purpose of this link, how would Alain feel, yea I know what the answer would be.

It would have to be approx. 7 years since Mr. C started with his slanderous comment’s, looking back over this period of time Anchor Right Australia has been on the receiving end and copped a good third of this. You know I always believed in getting even…not angry.

Unfortunately from what has been posted tonight by Brian from fortress, I am sure as hell angry. Not sure whether this is a good thing or a smart thing, maybe it’s just time. I feel sorry for all of you guy’s that have purchased Mr C’s anchors, I do believe you would have made your decision based not only on reputation, but hard evidence; documented vocal’s from DVD’S stating that Mr C’s master piece delivered 40 per cent more holding power than any other anchor tested against them in the West Marine test.

We all know his anchor works fine, the point I am making is plain, it’s not just you the end users that have been wronged, but Journalists reporting their finding’s when witnessing independent anchor tests, they have been slandered along with the magazine promoting the story, as charlatans, or they must have an invested interest with the company as they didn’t say Mr C baby’s was the best. Think of the far reaching implications for forums, on sellers of various anchor brands, think of the embarrassment, sometimes abuse to some of the guys that are selling Mr. C anchors, if I was selling their brand I would change to another.

As I stated earlier in this forum these are Mr C’s marketing tactics, many of you have woken up to them a long time ago but haven’t been able to pin him down, the more you have tried the more successful he has been, at the same time your attacks on him, and justly so, are making people feel sorry for him, created purposely by himself, a fine balance in marketing skills that is simmering on being brought to justice.

No, certainly I have no academic skills, you can probably tell by the way I write, not sure about intelligence either, is what I am writing being intelligent? I am sure you the forum will soon let me know. I come from a family of 13 and left school when I was 13 to work with my father until 18 to support the family, so not sure if intelligence is learnt or whether you accumulate it by exercising your mind? But what I do have is honesty, it is a shame, Mr. C was obviously was born with a high IQ, to pull of what he has, a great tool to have if used correctly.

What have we learnt from all of this; Make all anchor manufacturers accountable, make all of their testing procedures and test certs transparent, display the evidence that the anchor in question meets the standard that it is supposed to be accredited for, this time I think we have been lucky, Mr C’s product is obviously now proven to be credible, but what if it wasn’t? Transparency of certified DATA is something that should be made mandatory as your anchor is without any doubt, a safety Item.

I am really not sure who owns the rocky company but there is no doubt in my mind that Mr C is very much part of their marketing tools, if this is not true, then cut the dribble and make a few changes to your web site.
It is the most derogative site I have ever visited, there is not a present or past anchor design that doesn’t get negative remarks from the ‘rocky baby orchestra’. Simply it displays, insults and insinuates that if you don’t have a ‘rocky baby,’ your level of intelligence is not that of the Smith and son combo. My advice; dress it up, make it pleasant, and plant some flowers by getting rid of this ****.

My personal request to you the suppliers of the rocky baby, if you are genuine with your statement that Manson are your friends then convince me, I say again get rid of the **** and distinguish the puppet then I may believe you are trying to make a mends. Until I see progress I will be referring to your puppet as dumb, and your company as dumber, who knows the way it is going it could be a bigger box office hit than the original film.

To you the forum readers that have not become involved, and to the ones that have purchased their anchors under misleading, false pretenses; you can get some sort of poetic justice from this. Oddly enough, you have the anchor manufacturers to thank, Brian from Fortress anchors; really sticking his neck out to try and undo this injustice. Manson, Spade, Xyz ,Delta, and some very good contributions from guys that just won’t lie down such as Rigger and DJbangi, there is a long list of contributors from years gone by, who was it that said, Mr C was the top rat? Well he got that right, but this time I hope he swallows the bait rather than pinching the cheese.

No I think I will just go back to inventing and leave this scene up to you guys, blood pressures getting up. I can stomach the puppet when I don’t have read his ****; it now reminds me of why I have kept out of these forums.

Hi Melandick, grave robber he may not be but he does have alot of skins.

I would further like to pass my condolences on to Alain Poiraud ( HYLAS) Family, he made an excellent product.

Good day to you all and thank you for allowing me to make the contributions I have, I have enjoyed it.
Kind Regards.
Anchor Right Australia.


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16 May 2001
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I checked Alain's old web site address, and I was shocked to see that it was now pointed to another anchor manufacturer. You will never believe who. Click on the link below:

I was even more shocked to see that the link brought up what at first appeared to be an objective review of available types but on closer inspection turned out to be a blatant trashing of all the competitors:

'Lack of sophistication'
'Strength issues'
'does not work as well as intended'
and Manson mentioned only as a Rocna 'knock off'

What a nasty underhand dishonest way to carry on.
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Active member
15 Apr 2004
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The news about Alain, the developer of the Spade anchor, was sad indeed. I kept a file of our correspondence and a small archive of his e-mails, and Alain was quite a character whom I will remember fondly.

I checked Alain's old web site address, and I was shocked to see that it was now pointed to another anchor manufacturer. You will never believe who. Click on the link below:
I would never have guessed :rolleyes:


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26 Feb 2011
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Presumably you mean the Man's son is really very, very bad. We know that they say Manson's Supreme is a copy of Rocna so it must be very, very good - a a whole host of, unaltered, results certainly confirm that it is up there. Check their website, almost every test published, pdf versions - no editing.
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