Anchorages Around Venice


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5 Apr 2005
Liveaboard, currently Caribbean Islands
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We are heading to Venice in the next week or so, planning to spend a few days there maybe up to a week.
We are looking for recommendations for good anchoring spots in the Lagoon within dinghy or vaporetto distance of the main sights etc. A few people have already mentioned Burano as one possibility but any other suggestions would be very welcome.
We only need 1.5m of water for our catamaran and are quite happy to deploy a stern anchor if we need to keep ourselves in line with the current and/or minimise swinging room.
We would much prefer anchoring since marina prices in general and especially for cats are not exactly cheap in Venice!!


5 Nov 2009
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We visited last July and anchored in the Marano lagoon on the way there but decided not to anchor in Venice lagoon as technically it's not allowed and the closest place where a blind eye seems to be turned in Burano and that's 5 miles away from St Marks.

In the end we went into the new marina Sant Elena right at the SE tip of Venice Island within easy walking distance of San Marco. Leccy, showers, toilets etc and 90 Euro a night for a 40 foot cat so less than we pay in some marinas in Croatia in places that no-one has ever heard of. :)

We stayed for 3 nights and had a great time but the prices in Venice itself are so exhorbitant that 3 nights was plenty. :(



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7 Jun 2001
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I was there a couple of weeks ago and would echo RichardS's remarks. One does see the odd yacht anchored in the outlying spots of the lagoon, but I would advise against it. It would not be possible to leave your yacht unattended. Beware the surprisingly strong tidal streams in the lagoon. The cheapest marina (by far) I found within the 'vaparetto' circuit is at Treporti, which I can recommend, close to the vaparetto stop though it takes about an hour to reach St Mark's Square. There is a first-class restaurant by the marina.

P.S. There is a common problem at all the Venice marinas of finding supplies. Stock up before arriving.
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26 Jan 2004
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I was there a couple of weeks ago and would echo RichardS's remarks. One does see the odd yacht anchored in the outlying spots of the lagoon, but I would advise against it. It would not be possible to leave your yacht unattended. Beware the surprisingly strong tidal streams in the lagoon. The cheapest marina (by far) I found within the 'vaparetto' circuit is at Treporti, which I can recommend, close to the vaparetto stop though it takes about an hour to reach St Mark's Square. There is a first-class restaurant by the marina.

P.S. There is a common problem at all the Venice marinas of finding supplies. Stock up before arriving.

Chris has had my input on this so I not going to repeat here , I just want to say that I disagree the part of your posting,
that's it impossible to leave a yacht at anchor ,
we spend over a week and and half there leave the boat most days at anchor , we had no problem and although there wasn't loads of boat anchored , there was enough , just where we was there was six .
We was there on springs and the current was running strong has you said ,
but no stronger then say what we had to deal with on the east coast back in the UK .
As for getting back and fro to venice , there ferry running all day long .
If people want to use the marinas that's fine , but if your happy on your own hook and I sure chris is has he and harden sailor use to anchoring and dealing with what every the weather decide to deal out then there no reason at all why you shouldn't anchor in the lagoon and not worry about the boat .
I would go as far as saying there less risk of your boat having problem then the Ionian mid summer .
Please don't take this personal Andrew , but I think it fair people should have the whole picture and make up there own minds .


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5 Apr 2005
Liveaboard, currently Caribbean Islands
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Thanks for the info.
We have just got back to Croatia after visiting Venice for a few days. We anchored off the NE of Burano and had no problem at all with the tidal currents. The bottom is thick mud and our anchor never moved in the 4 days we were there. The current is rarely more than 1.5knts and usually much less at Burano so should not really be a problem.
Easy dinghy ride across to Burano to catch the vapporetto as required. Burano itself is a lovely Island.
Only downside was the fact that it was a holiday weekend with a huge rowing regatta on the Sunday, this meant that the canal was like the M25 on Friday and Saturday with every Italian seemingly out in their boats totally ignoring any speed limits so a bit bumpy at anchor at times but all calm overnight so not too bad.
We had no concern about leaving the boat at anchor to go sightseeing etc. Best advice for anyone wanting to see the main sights of Venice is to go very early - we got off the vapporetto at 07:30 and had at least a couple of hours to explore before it started getting busy. By midday it was total madness at the main sights!!


Well-known member
7 Jun 2001
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Please don't take this personal Andrew , but I think it fair people should have the whole picture and make up there own minds .
Don't worry about it, everyone to their own! That's what makes this forum so useful.

But it would not be my choice, and I've anchored places that not many people consider. Including, incidentally, a night off Burano before moving to a marina.
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5 Apr 2005
Liveaboard, currently Caribbean Islands
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We liveaboard our 42ft cat and we only use marinas in the winter, Venice marina fees for us would be at least €90 per night and probably more - I can think of many things I would rather spend €90 on than a marina berth.
We made the decision when we left the UK to have strong, heavy, oversized (however you like to describe it) ground tackle so we can anchor securely and confidently in almost any conditions. That choice has served us well over the last 7 years and the initial investment has been handsomely repaid in savings on marina and harbour fees, Vic has made much the same choice and made similar savings.
However, as Andrew states, each to their own and many people will never feel comfortable at anchor in bad weather and they are free to choose a marina berth rather than heavy ground tackle and the wherewithal to use it.
I would certainly encourage anyone to anchor off Burano to visit Venice rather than pay marina fees.


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26 Jan 2004
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Having the gear to do the job comes first on my list but it no good have good gear if you don't know how to use it .
This is a real problem with a lot of people , how offend have we seen posting on YBW on anchoring , "how much chain do I need to drop ?" I can only think these people have had no training or at less read a book on anchoring if you have to ask question like that.
If I had a penny for every time someone said to me they can sleep if there any wind ,
I have a discovery 54 yacht :) .
I just sold my 20kg Rocna to a very nice couple the over week because they keep reading that Rocna are the best and won't drag and there anchor has a problem dragging , when I sew what they where replacing I nearly died , it was a 20 kg bugle ,
I knew once I sew the anchor there a problem with there anchoring skill ,
I then spend the next half hour explaining how to set an anchor ,
I hope they taken my advise or there been looking at buying another anchor .
If I had the room on board I would had taken the bugle off there hands .
Our Marina fees over the last 8 years from March till November has been Zero .
if I up all night in a blow it's because I have worried about someone else anchored too close then my own boat .
Going back to the subject on hand .
The only problem with anchoring in the lagoon around Venice is the traffic ,
every thing is delivered by boat so it is busy but as long as you anchor out of the channel and set your anchor there no danger or Any thing to worried about .
Most of the bed is thick mud .
On the other hand if you want the comfort of stepping off your boat and the peace of mind that your boat is 100% safe , that's unless someone smash into it trying to get into a berth , then the Marina is the next best option .
What ever you decided don't miss out on visiting Venice .
For us this year we sitting around the Ionian being bored stiff show people around our other boat we have for sale , I much rather be explore out of the. Way places .