Am I alone,



or does anybody else get irritated when the same message is posted on two or more forums on this site? There is an example running now.

I agree it is sometimes difficult for newcomers to post their questions appropriately, but finding multiple threads to the same posting makes following a discussion difficult, hence irritating. If in doubt, best to try one forum, and if it isn't appropriate, a "regular" usually (politely) points out the error and suggests a better direction.

I'm tempted to go against my own principles and post this four times in the hope it does some good.


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16 May 2001
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Re: Maybe not entirely but

Sometimes one might be looking for a wider view. I recently asked a question about an outboard. Both cruising yachstmen and motor cruisers might have had the required experience, so I asked both. Each probably don't read both boards. Don't see any great harm in that.


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3 Jul 2001
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I hope you are.
Different bulletin boards attract different catagories of readers with perhaps different views on a question.
Apart from that; if this irritates you how do you cope with the real irritations of live, you must be a very unhappy person.


Calm down...

All of you!!!

ok - I can see both points of view...

But if I disagreed with Edward, I wouldn't attempt to ridicule him on line.

Why? - because later i might post a request for help (or an unusual / urgent spare part) which he could help me with, and I'd rather be known as a helpful, considerate kind of fellow worth helping.

So come on, kiss and make up!




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3 Jul 2001
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Re: Calm down...

Your right Rich.
Though maintaining my argument I plead guilty to the charge.
Sorry Edward (kissing is one bridge to far for me :)). Spur of the moment reaction.
Rgds Steffen


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16 May 2001
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Y Worry

If its on the scuttlebutt forum it gets a scuttlebutt answer, PBO gets a PBO answer etc. Although I tend to agree with you, either the poser of the question is a totally out of touch romantic and uses a shotgun technique or else it is intended that a variety of views are really being solicited.

What erks me most is using the wrong forum in the first place. It only takes a modicum of intelligence and common sense to figure out which forum in the first place and some people seem incapable of even that [heaven help us].

If I am feeling particularly cantankerous then the question gets treated by me with the distain that it deserves. And I hope that they are put off boating.... there are too many landlubbers cluttering up things and meddling in areas that they do not have any feeling for, who lack inteligence to sort things out and who do not have the required respect for the sea. Better they drown or else stay ashore and prop up the bars in their swanky boating clubs and bore eachother senseless. Mind you I will always offer the keen learner the benefit or otherwise of my experience. And good luck to these.


If you want a sycophantic answer, ask not on SctBt

Although I suppose I would be irritated too if I had time to visit more than one of the boards.<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by mark_walker on Tue Jul 10 20:18:13 2001 (server time).</FONT></P>


Not entirely alone.....

....but, gee fellas, I'm very sorry I used the "irritate" word. It is clearly a hot button for some of you. If you react that way when I get irritated, I recommend you're not around when I get really upset. To me irritation is like a mosquito bite - harmless but annoying, needs scratching. My only excuse for the outburst is that I haven't been on the water for a few weeks to calm m'psyche.

I feel quite sorry for those of you who apparently lead such perfect lives, free from irritations. You tell me to get a life, Andrew, but your life must be totally boring. I find a little rain greatly increases my appreciation of glorious sunny weather and blue skies when it arrives. It actually makes me feel happy, Andrew!

My irritation was in fact the result of having spent time researching and composing a posting to a thread of some interest, only to discover later the identical question had been posted on another YBW forum, with another thread of responses. Just seemed kind of senseless....and..irritating? Thanks to Rich, Steffen (no kissing agreed), and Jollyjack, who understand and accept a man's need to scratch from time to time.

We are off cruising next weekend for three or four weeks (that should fix me). Our sail plan is Exe to Brighton (for a Vancouver rally), then to Fecamp, along Normandy to Cherbourg (or possibly as far as St Malo, winds permitting), then home to the Exe, possibly via Alderney or Guernsey. We are familiar with much of the route as far a Chichester, with St Malo, Jersey and Guernsey, but the rest will be new. Except for the channel crossings, most passages will be shorter hops. Any good suggestions en route (ports, anchorages, restaurants, etc)? Edward


Re: Not entirely alone.....

There are some that do not look at other forums, me for example .... I tend to stick with the PBO Reader to Reader and only occasional forays into the Scuttlebutt ......

Therefore if ou object to multiple postings across forums, sorry but maybe the postee wants to actually reach as many people as possible. I actually post on most forums when inviting participants to the Excellent Solent Get Togethers ..... it works ..... I'm sure that some would not have known of such gatherings without such tactic.

So get irritated about something worthwhile !!!! Otherwise have a pint and relax !