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Have you practice's your abdondon ship drill yet this year? We have and here is what we found. We are on a Colvic Watson 32 motor sailor. I am 67 and my wife is 53. I have had heart surgery and my wife is only 4'8" tall but in good health. As we had to buy a new liferaft this year we thought we would have a realistic drill. 4 friends came out with us and another boat with crew. The weather was f5 sea state 2 my swell and small breaking waves. Air temp 14c water temp 8c. Timing us we were given the go to get off the boat. I launched the liferaft which ended upside down we got it the right way up but it took my wife and me 25 mins we then got the grab bag water and food in and us another 6 mins and we were knackered. If the boat had been sinking at any speed we would have as to get into the water to right the raft. With my heart and the water temp I think my wife would have been on her own. We boarded our boat had a rest for an hour and gave this problem some real thought. As we sail on the coast mainly within 30 miles of land we thought of an easier and safer solution to this problem. Second go. We always tow our 4 man dinghy which has an air floor. We were given the order to go. My wife pulled the dinghy alongside threw in the water, food and grab bag and got in. I set off the e.p.I.r.b (not for real) and got in the dinghy after launching the liferaft. Total time 2 mins 25 secs. Once in the dinghy we sorted out the liferaft which we attached to the dinghy. I rowed slowly for an hour and made 2.1 miles towards land and tried a transfer into the raft as if to sleep for the night. We had no problems. These are OUR thoughts of how to deal with an abdondon ship from our boat and are not intended to make anyone ignore training they have had. I have put this to make you think. What if!!!!! Practice makes perfect so that when it happens for real you are ready with whatever system works for you. Please practice
I apologise for my spelling and hope this article may perhaps save someone's life because thy practice's.
I apologise for my spelling and hope this article may perhaps save someone's life because thy practice's.