A True Drug-Smuggling Story on a Sailing Yacht!


New member
27 Mar 2012

a few months ago, I came across this book about a woman who got caught smuggling drugs.

'A true adventure story'...it says above the title.

I thought:''Wow, you don't see too many of these! :confused:

Some decades ago, this woman was making her living as a delivery skipper. Being paid peanuts, the idea of making one drugs-run seemed quite attractive. So, she did it...together with a friend she met along the way.

In the book you read all about the preparations, the meetings with their 'boss', the tensions and the actual trip from Colombia to the USA.

Unfortunately for them, they got cought and were thrown in a Mexican prison... Bye bye money, bye bye freedom!

The second half of the book is more about their lives in prison. She even had her first baby there!

All in all, a curious book that you'll finish in a blink of an eye!

Click here to read the whole article:


Enjoy reading it!

Best regards,
