the behaviour of the water is not as such a big wave would behave. It has frothy bits somewhat larger than a truck. Further out, there's a shallow bit in a lighter colour - yet the water cannot be matterialy shallower there. Finally, tsunamis (as seen recently) aren't whammo long-lurching items as a normal beach wave - they rear up at the last moment but their volume colossal - boats anchored even 150 yards out were fine.
One of us is misunderstanding something - where is the lack of taste ? - that's why I was careful with the subject heading.
The last thing I would wish to do would be to trivialise this horrific episode. The picture is however worth looking at.
For poor taste see previous postings on this forum.
I'ts a fake!!!! and in poor taste......done by someone that should be letting their idle hands do something more constructive to help some poor soul........!!!!!!!!!!
OK, ever make a mistake and have to apologise for it ? This is one such instance.
I genuinely received it from a friend who has business connections in the area with a note that said that a friends of his sister had taken it, (authentic or what ?), looking at it now its obviously a buggerment but I fell for it. I feel foolish.
Sorry for any offence, I didn’t intend any.
It was first thing in the morning is there any leeway in that as an excuse ?
Not one of my better posts - want to hear a joke ?