Active member
Thought i'd make a post about the weekend and the day we had on Sunday.
Its been well over a year since the boat has moved and i was a bit apprehensive about forgetting what i was doing, but wise words from another forumite said, "its like riding a bike", you never forget how!! /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif
We avoided the Open Golf traffic on LL side, and arrived at the boat late on Saturday afternoon, all was great and the boat was sitting looking very pretty and clean after a recent valet.
After dinner, we decided that Callum should have the aft bed, so made his bed and I sat with him, giving him his usual bottle before him falling asleep in my arms.
Once asleep, i went and laid him in the aft bed, lying across the boat, and went up stairs to find SWMBO had gone for a walk with the dog!
No sooner had i sat down put my feet up, opened a bottle of beer and think to myself 'How good it was to be back at the boat!!' that i heard Callum throwing up!!!! /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif
I ran down grabbed him only for him to throw up again all over me!! Aargghhhh where is SWMBO when you need her!!!! I got him changed, cleaned the bed and wipped myself down all while trying to comfort an histericle baby!!(Hey us guys can multitask!!! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif) Swmbo arrives back and asks why i'm still sitting in the forward area!!! /forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif
This isn't normal for Callum, we put it down the the boat rocking and his belly going higher than his head, and just after taking a load of milk!
Sunday was a cracking day, weather could not have been better. we got the boat ready,and went to fuel up. Then decided to head down the Loch, this is the view coming out of our marina:
Callum was great really enjoyed it, we started slowly, with Kirsty helming and him sitting beside her, while i tended to the fenders:
We traveled down the Loch the boat straight up on the plane, with full throttle i managed to get 30knts out her, never done that before! So was very happy /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif We played about for a bit, and then headed for Inveruglas for Lunch. Having a kid onboard was new to us, and we decided the best option for the berthing only was to sit him in his buggy so as he'd be safe out the way:
Solitaire was right, i hadn't forgotten how to berth and executed a perfect berth on the inside of a visitors mooring in shallow water with a few dozen tourists watching on, oh it felt good!!! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
No sooner had we tied up, Callum had fallen asleep in his buggy, so we lifted him and put down in the cabin in the shade, I think he likes this boating lark!!
We had lunch while Callum slept, and when he awoke(2.5hrs later) we went for a walk:
View of Inveruglas:
At about 5pm and after suffering far too much sun and heat we headed back to the marina with Callum driving:
Berthing back at the marina was once again spot on perfect, all my worries unjustified.
Later that evening, we made sure not too make the same mistake with putting Callum to bed, and i suffered a bit from Sun Stroke! /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif
Monday was a dreadful day, pissing it down, so we got up, tidied up and went home.
All in all we had a fantastic weekend, being out in the boat again, we realised how much we missed it, and are in 2 minds of wether we really want too sell or not.
AS you will see by the pics, Callum is looking very well, but we are back at the hospital this friday for more tests, depending on the outcome, depends when we'll next be able to venture out.
Hope you all had a good weekend.
Its been well over a year since the boat has moved and i was a bit apprehensive about forgetting what i was doing, but wise words from another forumite said, "its like riding a bike", you never forget how!! /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif
We avoided the Open Golf traffic on LL side, and arrived at the boat late on Saturday afternoon, all was great and the boat was sitting looking very pretty and clean after a recent valet.
After dinner, we decided that Callum should have the aft bed, so made his bed and I sat with him, giving him his usual bottle before him falling asleep in my arms.
Once asleep, i went and laid him in the aft bed, lying across the boat, and went up stairs to find SWMBO had gone for a walk with the dog!
No sooner had i sat down put my feet up, opened a bottle of beer and think to myself 'How good it was to be back at the boat!!' that i heard Callum throwing up!!!! /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif
I ran down grabbed him only for him to throw up again all over me!! Aargghhhh where is SWMBO when you need her!!!! I got him changed, cleaned the bed and wipped myself down all while trying to comfort an histericle baby!!(Hey us guys can multitask!!! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif) Swmbo arrives back and asks why i'm still sitting in the forward area!!! /forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif
This isn't normal for Callum, we put it down the the boat rocking and his belly going higher than his head, and just after taking a load of milk!
Sunday was a cracking day, weather could not have been better. we got the boat ready,and went to fuel up. Then decided to head down the Loch, this is the view coming out of our marina:

Callum was great really enjoyed it, we started slowly, with Kirsty helming and him sitting beside her, while i tended to the fenders:

We traveled down the Loch the boat straight up on the plane, with full throttle i managed to get 30knts out her, never done that before! So was very happy /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif We played about for a bit, and then headed for Inveruglas for Lunch. Having a kid onboard was new to us, and we decided the best option for the berthing only was to sit him in his buggy so as he'd be safe out the way:

Solitaire was right, i hadn't forgotten how to berth and executed a perfect berth on the inside of a visitors mooring in shallow water with a few dozen tourists watching on, oh it felt good!!! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

No sooner had we tied up, Callum had fallen asleep in his buggy, so we lifted him and put down in the cabin in the shade, I think he likes this boating lark!!

We had lunch while Callum slept, and when he awoke(2.5hrs later) we went for a walk:

View of Inveruglas:

At about 5pm and after suffering far too much sun and heat we headed back to the marina with Callum driving:

Berthing back at the marina was once again spot on perfect, all my worries unjustified.
Later that evening, we made sure not too make the same mistake with putting Callum to bed, and i suffered a bit from Sun Stroke! /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif
Monday was a dreadful day, pissing it down, so we got up, tidied up and went home.
All in all we had a fantastic weekend, being out in the boat again, we realised how much we missed it, and are in 2 minds of wether we really want too sell or not.
AS you will see by the pics, Callum is looking very well, but we are back at the hospital this friday for more tests, depending on the outcome, depends when we'll next be able to venture out.
Hope you all had a good weekend.