A crocodile cruise or a "weir "d encounter


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21 Aug 2003
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A crocodile cruise or a \"weir \"d encounter

4 years ago in Ndumo park in Maputoland on SA side of Mozambique border SWIMBO and I were on large salt pan in aluminium boat with 4 others plus guide who was operating the large outboard . Pan was edged with reeds and was full of hippos and Nile crocodiles. We stopped at the far end of the pan for sundowners (i.e. G and T's) on the wall of a dam with a weir which maintained the water level of the upstream pan . The weir in the middle of the dam was about the width of the boat and allowed water to over flow to a lower basin. At the bottom of weir 5 foot below in the was a large 12 ft crocodile with mouth open presumably to catch anything coming over so we took some pictures .

Got back into boat to return as the sun had set and the mozzies were attacking . Guide started engine and unfortunately hit rock stalling engine as upstream of weir was shallow and silted but with rocky fill . Boat then started to drift towards weir mouth as guide valiently tried to restart outboard and we watched with heart in mouth the inevitable slide into oblivion . Why no one picked up the boat hook to stop the drift I don't know Luckily we ended up jammed across the notch but directly 5ft below the starboard side was the large croc and 3 others waiting idly by.

Large exodus to land followed with ladies in front and we tried to pull boat off but painter was only 4 ft of string and water pressure too great so the men had to wade along the upstream port side and try to manhandle the boat off.

On looking back upsteam a few minutes later we saw about 15 ft a way a pair of interested crocodile eyes . Another mass exodus . Guide then told us radio out of range so no Landrover to save us . No way could we walk back because of lions . Ultimately we timidly crept back into the water and luckily manged to dislodge boat and motor back for an hour in the dark .

Lots of rude words later to camp manager

Still see those eyes in my dreams /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif


Well-known member
15 Mar 2005
East Sussex.
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Re: A crocodile cruise or a \"weir \"d encounter

I believe that hippos are much more dangerous than either lions & crocs, so you may have been worrying about the wrong beasties.

A few years ago a friend of mine was taken for a river trip on the Zambesi. One of the boatmen was standing on the bow of the boat when a hippo rammed the boat, knocked him in, and then killed him with a single bite.


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21 Aug 2003
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Re: A crocodile cruise or a \"weir \"d encounter

A honey moon couple were standing on the beach at a river estuary and she waded into the water for a paddle . A croc grabbed her and there were only bits left .

Hipos OK if you dont get too close , or if they feel trapped or if you happen to be in their escape path to and from the river . We did however feel very vulnerale on the way back though


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26 Nov 2004
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Re: A crocodile cruise or a \"weir \"d encounter

An old guy got eaten the other day in St Lucia Northern Kwazulu at the mouth of the river just as it flows into the sea. Thought he was safe. Parks board guy says that the croc who ate him is a troublesome one and has been guilty of similar incident they are now going to shoot it.
I brought two children up in the area it was a nightmare I still hate flat dogs. It is ok when you can see them, it is when you cant that you have to worry.


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21 Aug 2003
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Re: A crocodile cruise or a \"weir \"d encounter

Did not realise it at the time but thinking later realised what a lucky escape we had .

On another occasion went to a crocodile enclusure and a large croc came snuffling up to me and stopped about 3 feet away with only thin chicken wire separating us. It lay there all innocent and very still just looking at me as if it had all the patience in the world presumably inviting a pat

I realised that it was thinking of only one thing "DINNER"


Well-known member
15 Mar 2005
East Sussex.
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Re: A crocodile cruise or a \"weir \"d encounter

I agree crocs are very dangerous, because to them we are just lunch. Hippos are just short sighted, bad tempered and very defensive of their patch. I read somewhere that in Africa they kill far more people than lions. Crocs do however kill plenty. I used to work for a bank which had branches in Africa. A sad story was told of a young man sent to Bathurst, Gambia (now Banjul) on his first appointment overseas. He arrived (by ship I think) in the morning and reported to the manager, who told him to take the day off and start work the following day. The young man went for a walk round the town, and as it was hot decided to go for a swim in the river. A croc got him, and he never did start work.