A Bit of Boating Sense?

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Active member
19 Aug 2001
Brecon, Wales
I do not know anyone with a crew cabin that uses it for crew - in fact I think the sub 70 foot market is almosty 100% crewed by just family/friends.

So why don't boat makers offer, as an option, the crew cabin as a proper storage room fitted out with cupboards and shelves to store all those things we need to store?


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
Visit site
sorry paul, think you have this wrong, A secondhand buyer wil expect to see a crew cabin as such, inthe same way as housebuyers expect to see a bath - even tho they shower most of the time.

in any case, in distant plaes, and not so distant places, a real crew cabin can be used by crew. Admittedly tho, lots of uk boats have rather mean crew cabins which wd sem more sensible as storage...


Active member
19 Aug 2001
Brecon, Wales
I understand where you are coming from with some expecting one but I personally would never like to hire a crew and I think most feel the same. That does not of course mean that they do not want a crew cabin - just that the space could be more logically used.

I think a lot treat it as a place to shove some extra kids and I think kids like crew cabins. Mine is used for storage full stop.

It would be nice to have some standard options for the space.

Deleted User YDKXO

If you charter your boat as many peeps do in the Med, then a crew cabin is essential for a skipper for any boat over 45ft because most owners wont be happy offering their boat for bareboat charter and most charterers want a skipper anyway. Charterers dont want an interior cabin taken up by a smelly skipper so hence a crew cabin is required
In any case most builders offer the crew cabin as an option so whats the problem? On my boat the mouldings are in place for a crew cabin but the fit out is'nt so the crew cabin can be used for storage
Btw a thousand plagues on these polls. I hate them