If you've got a cigar lighter socket on board then you can get an adapter that plugs in and gives you a range of selectable voltages. Maplin do one for a few pounds. If you haven't got a socket Maplin do those as well!
Cheap and cheerful solution...I once got 6V from a 12v lead acid battery by drilling into the middle of the battery from the top and screwing in a threaded 'post'. The battery consisted of 6 plates each delivering two volts, by tapping into the third plate I was able to extract the required 6V.
If you do want to build something then an LM7806 is a 6v version of the 7805 above. It's not just as simple as that though since 13.8v -> 6v at 200mA will dissipate 1.5watts - you'll need to heatsink the device.