I have often puzzled about my mast lights setup, as there are 4 wires supplying 3 lights, the decklight, steaming, and tricolour.
It's probably obvious to everyone else, but I only just realised that it'll be a common earth and 3 positives!
So bearing that in mind, is there an easy way with a multimeter how I can identify which is the common earth, since everything seems to earth either through the wire or through a bulb! (one of which I suspect is blown and it's a big fuss to get up there!!) so all wires appear to have some continuity, except the blown bulb one, of course!
colours are no use, as there's two blue and two brown!
It's probably obvious to everyone else, but I only just realised that it'll be a common earth and 3 positives!
So bearing that in mind, is there an easy way with a multimeter how I can identify which is the common earth, since everything seems to earth either through the wire or through a bulb! (one of which I suspect is blown and it's a big fuss to get up there!!) so all wires appear to have some continuity, except the blown bulb one, of course!
colours are no use, as there's two blue and two brown!