17th March - Update on Transit log


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15 Jun 2001
Haslemere/ Leros
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We now have evidence that Customs are not acknowledging the EU 27 Vat status of UK Vat Paid yachts. Leros seem to be out on a limb on this one.

We now have the necessary evidence of their Breach of the Customs Union Code to take formal action via the Commission.

I decided to revisit the advice given by the EU commission and wrote a further very specific query.
The response was unequivocal. I have cut and pasted it below.
Dear Sir/Madam,

Please find below the reply to your enquiry. Please note that the advice given by Your Europe Advice is an independent advice and cannot be considered to be the opinion of the European Commission, of any other EU institution or its staff nor will this advice be binding upon the European Commission, any other EU or national institution.

Dear Sir,

Unfortunately, our service, Your Europe Advice , does have access to the advice you have received on 3rd August 2020. To the extent that you still have questions in relation to our advice below, we suggest that you contact us again and include a copy of the email response you received in the text of your enquiry.

As regards the tax status of UK flagged recreational vessels that were located in the EU27 before the end of the transitional period (31/12/2020), they should indeed be allowed free movement within the EU as long as they can prove their location before the end of last year and that VAT was paid.

In particular, pursuant to Articles 41, 47 and 48 of the Withdrawal Agreement, the Union Customs Code will continue to apply to goods that were in free circulation in the EU prior to the end of the transition period. Moreover, pursuant to Article 51 of the Withdrawal Agreement the EU VAT Directive will continue to apply for five years after the end of the transition period with regard to the a taxable person's rights and obligations in relation to transactions with a cross-border element between the United Kingdom and a Member State that took place before the end of the transition period.

Moreover the European Commission has confirmed that if, on 1 January 2021, your boat was located in an EU port or sails in EU territorial waters, it keeps its Union status. (See q.49 of the BREXIT: END OF TRANSITION PERIOD FAQs ON TAX AND CUSTOMS

If the Greek authorities are refusing the treat UK flagged vessels located in Greece before the end of the Transition Period as having Union status for tax and VAT purposes then we suggest that you make a formal complaint to the European Commission.

You can find more information on how to make a complaint and the online complaint form at:

We remain at your disposal for any further questions you may have on your rights in the EU.

The British Embassy in Athens is now also on the case - they have been in the loop now for some months and now a person has been tasked to sort it.

I urge you all to spread this around and advise other owners ONLY to accept an Unlimited Transit Log. In addition, there have been rumours that a certain customs agent has been peddling the idea that UK Yachts can get round the problem by reflaging as Polish - for a cost of course.
We will get this right - there has been more "Avrio" in this case than I have ever experienced before.


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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If I may ask Chris on behalf of others here and else where, what should people do come May, June or July and its still not sorted ,
Do they have any other choice other then to buy a LT transit log or leave Greece ?


Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
Haslemere/ Leros
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Oh ye of little faith! It will be sorted and soon. For as long as it goes on being a problem, you should say no and give them the Commission advice printed here and walk out. To accept something different is cowardice in the face of our friends.

Non cooperation is essential. The embassy in Athens is well aware of the issues.

But I guarantee it won't come to that. A drink next time I see you... or more!


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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Oh ye of little faith! It will be sorted and soon. For as long as it goes on being a problem, you should say no and give them the Commission advice printed here and walk out. To accept something different is cowardice in the face of our friends.

Non cooperation is essential. The embassy in Athens is well aware of the issues.

But I guarantee it won't come to that. A drink next time I see you... or more!
Nothing to do with Faith Chris :) I very well know how the Greek work and even when it sorted I bet a pound to a penny there still be some officials that will say other wise for some time to come .
Any way not so much for me that I ask more for others ,
Greece And me parted some years back and the only chance we sail back in Greece is if we passing through or their reduce the tax for boats over 12 Mt's
which is a shame as we love Greece as a cruising ground.


Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
Haslemere/ Leros
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Nothing to do with Faith Chris :) I very well know how the Greek work and even when it sorted I bet a pound to a penny there still be some officials that will say other wise for some time to come .
Any way not so much for me that I ask more for others ,
Greece And me parted some years back and the only chance we sail back in Greece is if we passing through or their reduce the tax for boats over 12 Mt's
which is a shame as we love Greece as a cruising ground.
Vic, remember that the last major change was the E-TEPAI, and that went off with remarkably few issues. I will absolutely make sure that a universal document will be issued, the Greeks like FAQS.

Place your bets


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13 Nov 2007
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Chris, What's your interpretation of the highlighted Article 51 VAT rights & obligations continuing for 5 years after TP? What does that mean, and what are the implications for us after that period ends? Any ideas?


Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
Haslemere/ Leros
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Chris, What's your interpretation of the highlighted Article 51 VAT rights & obligations continuing for 5 years after TP? What does that mean, and what are the implications for us after that period ends? Any ideas?
seems that is to do with countries rights to set a nil vat on certain items which the EU closely controls, and is actually nothing to do with Yachts.


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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Oh ye of little faith! It will be sorted and soon. For as long as it goes on being a problem, you should say no and give them the Commission advice printed here and walk out. To accept something different is cowardice in the face of our friends.

Non cooperation is essential. The embassy in Athens is well aware of the issues.

But I guarantee it won't come to that. A drink next time I see you... or more!
A drink on the cards Chris that's for sure I even throw in a Giros :)
As alway I wish you all the best at sorting this problem out before the Greeks find something else to blacken the waters .
But even yesterday problems like the tax isn't gone away and many are still having problems,
I have a hate love relationship with Greece after most of my 45 years sailing which most have been in and around Greece as a cruiser and the last three years as been a downer for us not to step into the country.
So when you finish fighting this battle how about taken on reduced the tax for over 12 mts so I can buy you that drink :) .