1.8m draught > 1.5m draught


Well-known member
11 Jun 2001
Inland France + Oxon.
A section of the Canal latéral à la Loire in the region of Nevers and the River Allier is being reduced to 1.5m because of leakage and the works necessary to fix. For an indeterminate period (= as long as it takes, I guess).
This news is a bit esoteric except that the canal is part of the 'Bourbonnais' route from Paris south to the Saône and hence the Med and is usually one of the 1.8m draught options. About which we get regular questions.
The Bourbonnais option (Canals Loing/Briare/Loire latéral/Centre) has its attractions but is not infrequently subject to problems, especially late in the season due to water reservoir limitations. The alternative, 'Champagne' option (Marne/Marne latéral/Marne-Saône) is a more reliable, better resourced, one and just as attractive IMHO.
I will try to remember to post an update regarding 1.5m > 1.8m, if I remember to find out what's happening in a month or two. If not, consult the VNF website Chômages 2021 - VNF
More information on FW -
Routes through France - Navigation Information | Canal Routes to the Mediterranean
Paris - Marne - Navigation Information | Canal Routes to the Mediterranean
Marne - Saône - Navigation Information | Canal Routes to the Mediterranean
Can I Get Through? - Navigation Information | Canal Routes to the Mediterranean


Well-known member
15 May 2005
Visit site
Thank you for the update. This would still leave us with the option of going via Reims (A+E on your website).
Mind you I'm getting cold feet about whether we will actually fit. We're 1.67m in seawater, and the rule of thumb seems to be to add 10% for freshwater, which would make us 1.84, before factoring in all of cruising gear.