ylop's latest activity

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    The legislation.gov.uk links (the actual legislation) are updated to reflect the 1/10/2024 changes. I actually linked you to the SIs...
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    Bill I have posted the actual regulations (not the guidance notes Nevis repeatedly posts calling “the Act”). They are probably even...
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    I would also have made a similar suggestion. I’d give Britsail at Inverkip a call - they are a “school” but will do a custom course for...
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    ylop reacted to lustyd's post in the thread UK chartering company recommendations? with Like Like.
    Or...just book a school boat with an instructor then the whole family can get Comp Crew or Day Skipper ;) Same cost as a charter since...
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    ylop replied to the thread UK circum capable <27ft yacht?.
    If you buy the wrong boat for your sailing before that you will never gain confidence needed for such a trip, or avoid using it because...
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    That’s not the legislation! The important line of the legislation is this: 1. These Regulations may be cited as the Recreational Craft...
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    ylop reacted to dunedin's post in the thread Tax not applicable...how can it be ?? with Like Like.
    Yawn. How many times are you going to post a link to an article by a broker, which has some useful information but is not definitive...
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    It is possible for boats to be designed with no engine and achieve RCD - sailing dinghies, for example. BUT there specific guidance in...
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    As one who keeps banging on about quoting from “the act” you would think it would be time to go back to the regulations and look for...
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    ylop replied to the thread FUEL filter change.
    caladh if your username is a clue on your location then bear in mind if you plan do do this this week that it may take longer to do its...
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    So I’m not sure why you think that is discrimination. That seems a perfectly reasonable reciprocal arrangement to encourage/allow...
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    It’s a similar problem across many CE product categories. Most of them aren’t bought and sold second hand though so boats are bit too...
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    Ok depends what you mean by “French owner” and temp import? If you mean a French citizen sailing a boat here as a tourist and...
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    You have correctly summarised the paradox! But that is what the letter of the law says. Consider for example that a boat made in the US...
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    ylop replied to the thread Boat plug..
    Does it work (ie seal?). modern plastic ones are not normally moused to stop coming loose spontaneously - but a lanyard on it so you...