Recent content by Two_Hapence

  1. T

    AGM Batteries.

    Hi, You don't say what type of boat you have or what the charging capability is. If you have a big heavy weight insensitive monhull with a big engine and a hefty alternator then ordinary wet cell batteries will probably be the way to go. Spend your money on a smart regulator or a heaftier...
  2. T

    Catamarans V Monos

    Hi, Sound comments from the two previous posters. I took my parents sailing with me on a cat in Greece. Dad (79) is notorious for getting seasick on any boat. On the cat he was sitting in the saloon reading a book, no sign of the dreaded upchucking! You get a huge amount of space for your...
  3. T

    why knot !

    Hi, Why not consider a cat? There are a lot of them about and they seem to be excellent value. OK, so you might not get standing headroom in the saloon (or even a saloon) but consider the advantages. Sailing on the level. So much more comfortable Minimal draft allows you into remote spots...
  4. T

    two-pot paints

    Hi, I painted my boat during the spring and I, like Tillergirl, found I needed to thin the International paint I was using. I started at 10% for the undercoats and finished up at 25% for the topcoats. Without the thinner I had to flatten the paint back and I probably left two thirds of the...
  5. T

    Duty on petrol

    Hi, I stand corrected. However I'd be very cautious about standing on my rights anywhere near France. The policy seems to be "Levy a fine first and ask questions later." Regards Ian <hr width=100% size=1>
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    Duty on petrol

    Hi, You only get red derv in the UK. In Europe you buy diesel with duty paid and some folk have had problems with French customs over their red stuff. In my own view the dispensation afforded boat owners over diesel is anachronistic. It cannot be right that the fuel is so cheap, especially...
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    Solent Radio Checks

    Hi, Weekend before last there was one idiot that came up on 16 with radiocheckradiocheck radiocheckradiocheck radio check please. and so on for about five minutes. I thought Solent Coastgaurd were very restrained! Regards Ian <hr width=100% size=1>
  8. T

    Solar Panel - is it working???

    Hi, I had the same kind of problem and concluded that the regulator was shot. After replacing the failed regulator I still had problems with huge resistance between the solar panel and the regulator and finished up replacing the deck plugs/sockets and some of the wiring. Check the output at...
  9. T

    Electronics mystery

    Hi, <FX> Thinking aloud I don't suppose there could be a poor earth connection? That often causes peculiar behaviour in electronics. </FX> <hr width=100% size=1>
  10. T

    Who needs wind instruments ?

    Re: Right < How do I get a Land Rover on my foredeck.> Anchor under the coastgaurd station in Aberdeenshire and wait! Regards Ian <hr width=100% size=1>
  11. T

    Are catermerans safe enough to sail the Solent?

    Stinkies Hi, I don't hate stinkies - I do hate the prats that take great delight in roaring past at planing speed (sometimes in convoy) at close range and then watch with glee as the raggie gets pounded by their wash, the spinnaker collapses and gets wrapped round the forestay or the main...
  12. T

    Keeping a log.

    > Course not. Dont have time between radio checks, old man! < ROTFLMBO :-))))) Regards Ian <hr width=100% size=1>
  13. T

    Boat rage

    Re: Charming > I don't wish to be always appearing to defend the French perspective but that's where I am. < and the French pay full duty on diesel....... I wonder if the mobos would be more considerate if they were restricted to displacement speeds. Most guys in Mobos I have met are kind...
  14. T

    Am I alone??

    I thought about skiving off and did exactly that. What a glorious afternoons sailing. Then SWMBO phoned and suggesting that she could get some time off and did I want to meet her at the boat for a sail. As I tried to gather my wits and come up with a plausible excuse she heard the seagulls...
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    Are catermerans safe enough to sail the Solent?

    Re: ???... Hi, > I thought that we were talking about capsize and it's aftermath not holing.< *You* were talking about safety and *I* have been discussing the wider safety issues. Steve, you raise another couple of interesting points. You talk about being in home waters. The delivery crew...