Recent content by Tresner

  1. Tresner

    Damp issues

    I live in the damp Pacific Northwest of the US and have used a de-humidifier for several years now and no longer have any dampness is the boat. Set at 55% it keeps the boat (wood) dry without drying out the wood. +2 for LittleShip's advice.
  2. Tresner

    Johnson 4hp stroke outboard help please

    Phil It is really best to change the impellor every year or two. They dryout and the vanes will breakoff. If the motor has been setting for some time with any fuel in the carb, you may need to clean the jets and bowl.
  3. Tresner

    fuel consumption

    Hi yourself Andie, Tom has threatened to come over next summer. Who know... maybe while he is here I will slip over and take Littleship for a spin around the Clyde.
  4. Tresner

    fuel consumption

    LS is 17,000# dry weight or 8.5 tonnes. 7.5kt @ 1750rpm = 2 gph. When LS is loaded for a party the weight is staggering but still 7.5kt @ 2gph
  5. Tresner

    Bowman Pressure Cap

    The pressure cap should be 7# on a Lehman 120. You needn't ask why I know that specific number.
  6. Tresner

    Two sailboats went aground

    I could coat whatever it is to be with black Rustoleum paint. Flat Iron will have the peace of mind that the oak will never rust. It will also stand up to the abrasive effects of sand. ;)
  7. Tresner

    Two sailboats went aground

    I was shocked, shocked to find out it was the notorious Flat Iron Phil what run aground. Thankfully nobody was hurt. Good thing you still have those training wheels/fins on the bottom of the boat. SHINEY WOOD THING Yes, that might be in order. Let's see, what could it be? Maybe a long...
  8. Tresner

    Two sailboats went aground

    That would depend on whether or not you were on the boats in question. My news channel is a private feed giving me access to the events in the Menai area and particularly the NW Mob and thier antics. :)
  9. Tresner

    Two sailboats went aground

    in the Aber Menai area of Wales this past weekend, as reported on a local maritine information channel here in the USA. I was wondering if anyone had information on this incident and how two raggies could go aground within minutes of each other on the same sandbar. Maybe there was an...
  10. Tresner

    holyhead Traditional Sailing Festival

    I think "Flat Iron Phil" would be just the right name for the new raggie skippper.:) :p
  11. Tresner

    Well, so long stinkpots!!

    Phil Congratulations on your decision to be come a "Raggie." I have great admiration for men who are not afraid to be cold, wet and miserable while others just turn on the furnace on the mobo.
  12. Tresner

    Many on here say.....

    Tom I believe you said that George's GB Grand Alaskan was on the market. Think big man, think big.
  13. Tresner

    LittleShip - Birthday Greetings

    A Happy "Tippy" Birthday to you from the Colonies also. The Major said he was going to "spare no expense" for your party. Or was that "have no expense"
  14. Tresner

    Stupid Question requires Sensible Answer!

    Look for Red Dot Heater on the internet and on Google. They plumb into your engine cooling system and have 1-2 12volt fans to toss the air around. Comfy while cruising and cost nothing to run. In port or at anchor is another story.
  15. Tresner

    What plywood and timber?

    A bit late in replying to the thread, but if you can find it use Okoume ply. It has 50% more plys and will serve you better than most of the other marine grade plys. Listen to Little Ship when he talks about the apoxy sealant. Over in the colonies we use a product called Restores-It. It is a...