Recent content by ToMo

  1. ToMo

    Gibraltar ...

    Ooooh Colin, mind your blood pressure!
  2. ToMo

    to those who use laptops for chart plotting

    Me too! it's called a catamaran.........
  3. ToMo

    Which Knot please.........

    Adaero and Vics I'm sorry to report the knot site does not seem to be functioning now, I notice that it hasn't been updated since 2005.
  4. ToMo

    The bad old days again?

    IPC = Ignoring peoples complaints!
  5. ToMo

    search function HERE

    Ooo Brendan I luv it when you write dirty!!!
  6. ToMo


    As a cat man we just don't worry about SOG, it's speed through the air that noodles our curdles!
  7. ToMo

    What would you do?

    >If however I find someone else to rent the mooring for the same money then I have lost nothing so will forget about it. But if I don't re-let it or it fetches a lower price than I am very inclined to chase him for the difference.< John, I think you just answered your own question.
  8. ToMo

    Mobos get a rollocking

    You is a naughty boy you is! Fancy stirring up trubs betweenall us luvin folk, it aint manly Bilbo honest injun it aint (with appoligies to Mark Twain!)
  9. ToMo

    unfriendly yacht people

    >I'd quite like to whip out my own extensive......< phew, you had me worried there for a minute!
  10. ToMo

    unfriendly yacht people

    She'd better walk it passed you John, with that leg you're never gonna catch it!
  11. ToMo

    Guardiana River info:

    Make sure you copyright your work, then offer to take some of the load from the other cruising guide authors! The parts I've used as a reference were certainly good enough.
  12. ToMo

    TecSew at Haslar ?

    As a totally satisfied customer I can fully recommend them! We decided to fit a full cockpit canopy to our catamaran and approached them for their suggestions and a quote; firstly they told us honestly that they had never made one for a cat previously and asked if we still wanted them to quote...
  13. ToMo

    Unsinkable Dehlers?

    Wonder where they got the dosh, they've been bust a couple of times themselves, I think ?
  14. ToMo

    What is haapening in the Lounge thats so offensive....

    Jimi, that was a bit anal wasn't it ?
  15. ToMo

    21st Birthday Present for her and Present for me

    Welcome to the club of wise men - the other ones are sadly dead!