srm's latest activity

  • srm
    srm reacted to VicS's post in the thread Calcification of waste pipes causes? with Like Like.
    Basically caused by not flushing adequately combined with the high "hardness" of sea water. Bacteria in the seawater or the "waste" act...
  • srm
    srm replied to the thread What's the worst anchor?.
    I always used an anchor with a mooring weight. Otherwise there is a risk of the weight being steadily bounced along the bottom due to...
  • srm
    srm replied to the thread What's the worst anchor?.
    Almost. We used to flake the rope moorings for oceanographic instruments on the deck of a supply ship, lower the instruments and their...
  • srm
    Can not give you local recommendations but we took our boat cushions to a furniture upholsterer in the next village for recovering. She...
  • srm
    srm reacted to greeny's post in the thread I sold my Tradewind 33 with Like Like.
    Similar for me. Eight years ago I was approached by a local person to sell my boat. I declined because I wasn't ready to sell at the...
  • srm
    srm replied to the thread I sold my Tradewind 33.
    Its interesting how quickly a good boat can find a new owner. I had a phone call, "my friend is interested in your boat". The next day...
  • srm
    srm reacted to Scotty_Tradewind's post in the thread I sold my Tradewind 33 with Like Like.
    Just prior to Covid I was offered a sensible price for my beloved Ambler of Arne. I arrived pre season in the boatyard in the ria de...
  • srm
    srm replied to the thread What's the worst anchor?.
    One winter in Shetland I laid a temporary mooring for a 42ft sloop from a 16ft inflatable: 50kg Bruce patent anchor and 15 fm of 1 inch...
  • srm
    srm reacted to zoidberg's post in the thread What's the worst anchor? with Like Like.
    Some years back I crewed on a 33' trimaran and had the task of 'anchoring' in Oban Bay, awaiting our runners, at the start of the...
  • srm
    srm reacted to Poignard's post in the thread What's the worst anchor? with Like Like.
    This shows that our predecessors gave some thought to anchor design, and did the best they could with the tools and materials available...
  • srm
    srm reacted to Stemar's post in the thread What's the worst anchor? with Like Like.
    I would go further - don't buy a copy of any anchor unless you're only ever going to use it as a lunch hook in good weather. Which, of...
  • srm
    srm reacted to noelex's post in the thread What's the worst anchor? with Like Like.
    These comments are spot on. A genuine Bruce anchor has some complex twists in the geometry of the flukes (see photo below)...
  • srm
    srm reacted to jlavery's post in the thread Reefing the main down wind with Like Like.
    I've tried this. You need to be going dead downwind or on a very broad reach. However, there's then too much load on the slides and...
  • srm
    srm reacted to yotter's post in the thread Reefing the main down wind with Like Like.
    Good video, however he was on a reach in a moderate wind and not downwind. If downwind in a strong breeze, I find the main problem is...
  • srm
    srm replied to the thread Motoring without rig.
    That is what I understood. The righting moment governs whether a boat is tender or stiff and thus its lateral motion. The keel and its...