Recent content by Slowtack

  1. S

    Backing plate material

    Plywood encapsulated in epoxy and fibreglass mat... So far so good after 10 years or so....
  2. S

    Oil selection for VP D1-30

    Up to now my 2016 built D1 30 hasbeen getting VP 4.5 VDS supplied by the VP agent. Very expensive. Looking for a cheaper alternative I can find many 15W40 mineral oils at about one third the VP price that are stated to be VDS spec... But no number listed. Does the number matter much?...
  3. S

    Volvo Penta alternative filters

    Im sure its unlikey to need replacement just yet... 5 seasons light use.... Planning ahead... The VP unit retails at €108 from SVB...about 90 pounds ... Crazy
  4. S

    Volvo Penta alternative filters

    Can anybody please suggest a replacement air filter for a VP D1-30? I am happy to cut open the plastic box and reseal it after the implant surgery...
  5. S

    Through hull fittings.

    Seems like a lot of gloop/sealant spread around the first one...
  6. S

    What experience made you think about giving up sailing ?

    Came fairly close with rheumatoid arthritis... But the drugs are good!
  7. S

    Air deck v slatted floor.

    I find the inflated keel better for rowing and towing... Directional stability...
  8. S

    Dinghy towing

    I keep the dinghy within a meter or so of the stern... bring the painter under the stern ladder hinge rung... Close to water level... And then up to mid stern cleat. This keeps the dinghy bow down and makes for a better tow I find
  9. S

    Bill King interview

    The man was a legend... And a decent guy.....
  10. S

    Dipping the ensign

    bungy cord... For easier dipping
  11. S

    Volvo Penta D2 MDI failure - what are the typical symptoms?

    Many thanks for all your I formation... I will open an old box and have a look... I don't know about root causes other than bad design... If they had stuck with relays all would be fine... As for symptoms.. There were none... Just instantaneous failure.
  12. S

    Volvo Penta D2 MDI failure - what are the typical symptoms?

    My D1 30 of 2017 vintage and relatively light use has had three MDI failures... 4th box fine so far... Bypass switches installed for glowplugs and starter motor installed as backup. Online searches indicate possible cause being a back EMF from the fuel shut off solved by a simple diode across...
  13. S

    Stainless Steel Dublin.

    Suggest you contact sailing clubs in the Dublin area... Local knowledge and experience might help you
  14. S


    No worries... Energy is finite in quantity as the universe is a closed system apparently... On the other hand charging FOR things will deplete ones finite resources for sure....