Recent content by Sailing Ape

  1. Sailing Ape

    Rogue Waves

    I read this a few years back and remember liking it. The Wave: In Pursuit of the Rogues, Freaks, and Giants of the Ocean -- by Susan Casey What it lacks in scientific rigur it makes up for in enjoyability/readibility (at least that's my recollection of it...)
  2. Sailing Ape

    Is Competent Crew needed before Day Skipper?

    Thanks Babylon! Must remember to re-read replies before hitting Post Quick Reply...
  3. Sailing Ape

    Is Competent Crew needed before Day Skipper?

    +1 on that. But the idea of getting people together to do a MoBo to sail conversion course is a gone - at least you'll get to focus on sailing and the differenced in boat handling rather than repeating a lot of things that you already know.
  4. Sailing Ape

    A paper on the history of yacht clubs and their prospects now

    Very interesting discussion on the history of yacht and sailing clubs - thank you. +1 on this from AntarcticPilot though: "I felt that, while his conclusions concerning yacht clubs are clear and probably correct, he fails to acknowledge that for a lot of us, yacht clubs are redundant. The...
  5. Sailing Ape

    Recommendations for a Rya coastal course in Portugal or gibralter.

    +1 for All Aboard out of Gib and would add RU Sailing out of Lagos for Portgual. Great experiences with both. Maybe for Coastal Skipper Gib has the more interesting sailing area, but sailing out of Lagos we had so many different kinds of weather and seas that though we didn't go far it was...
  6. Sailing Ape

    Which sailing / boating apps do you use on phone / tablet? (not plotters)

    Over time I have downloaded a bunch of apps to my phone (can't seem to resist them), but only really use these on a regular basis: Boatie TidesPlanner Navionics Various weather apps Also use Ship Finder and look at Grog Knots depending on where I am and how much time there is to while away...
  7. Sailing Ape

    Are multi-tools any good?

    Whilst I am all in favour of using the proper tool for the job, unfortunately my tools live in an out of the way way place most of the time. I've found having multi-tools (30yr old swiss army knife and 10yr old leatherman) to be really useful if kept handy. At least it takes away the urge to...
  8. Sailing Ape

    Uses for old sails?

    Probably not the answer you were looking for, but perhaps another way to get rid of them is to list them for sale as awnings or, if you a dab hand at cutting and sewing, turning them into bags/hold-alls or jackets (beanbags as suggested by geem are probably easier to make though...) Google sails...
  9. Sailing Ape

    A very useful site for passage planning to France

    Great site - thanks for this. Wish I'd known about about it sooner!
  10. Sailing Ape

    Is all chart plotting software for Mac terrible (or too expensive)?

    Hi. Not really sure what you're looking for, but Navionics running on a 3G iPad works pretty well. It doesn't need to have a sim card in it, just needs to be a 3G model so that the GPS works when you're sailing (or you could simply use it on your phone if you don't mind the small screen). If...
  11. Sailing Ape

    Advice sought - Dufour classic 30' as first boat

    Hi all. I have been offered a Dufour classic 30 (1998) which is currently under a Spanish flag and moored in the north of Spain. The current owner is a naval engineer who sails it at least once a week and keeps the boat impeccably maintained, so condition is not a worry. The only things that I...