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    • pmagowan
      pmagowan replied to the thread Just how much water.....
      Fire a few turns on the tap! Make sure the nut is on the box OK, they can jiggle loose.
    • pmagowan
      pmagowan replied to the thread Blisters above the waterline.
      Also double check that previous boat on the stand hadn't been removing paint with stripper!!
    • pmagowan
      pmagowan replied to the thread Just how much water.....
      Can let quite a lot in especially when steaming or if prop rotates under sail. Did you add grease?
    • pmagowan
      Wired! Is any of it actually wireless? Normally wireless refers to data and since it needs a power supply might as well have data cable...
    • pmagowan
      pmagowan replied to the thread 4 Man life Raft needs Servicing.
      Although you can increase the voltage and reduce the amps. Not a great risk and can easily be checked at installation. Gas does tend to...
    • pmagowan
      pmagowan replied to the thread Stuffing Box.
      These jobs are awkward due to where the stern gland obviously has to be fitted. We have a 38' Buchanan and it has a remote greaser as...
    • pmagowan
      pmagowan replied to the thread 90/180 day shuffle.
      What about add an inflatable balloon made from the spare sails and filled with hot air (much provided free of charge at a forum near...
    • pmagowan
      pmagowan replied to the thread 4 Man life Raft needs Servicing.
      If you look up the statistics it seems that the use of liferafts is not a significant factor in safety for most people in UK waters. If...
    • pmagowan
      pmagowan replied to the thread 90/180 day shuffle.
      It's September or thereabouts and you have a new boat in Norway! You are a self proclaimed novice who, forgive me, shows it. Sailing to...
    • pmagowan
      pmagowan replied to the thread 90/180 day shuffle.
      Any reason you chose a boat in Norway given you are a novice sailor and there are obviously significant issues with the transport to...
    • pmagowan
      pmagowan replied to the thread 4 Man life Raft needs Servicing.
      Do you need a liferaft for the type of sailing you do? Lots of more important safety equipment for most people. Can't help you with...
    • pmagowan
      pmagowan replied to the thread 90/180 day shuffle.
      Why then would you start a post about stuff like this (where nationality is important) saying you are 'a Brit' without (as you continue...
    • pmagowan
      pmagowan replied to the thread 90/180 day shuffle.
      This must be a special boat.
    • pmagowan
      I think if there is some external regulator it can often save the alternator by collapsing the fields but unless something new I am not...
    • pmagowan
      This is from an old post of mine on cluster wiring. I have not double checked everything and it may be updated since this iteration but...
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