Recent content by pheonix

  1. pheonix

    The best 20-22 foot boat

    22;' boat i can recomend the pandora i owned a mk1 for some time very seaworthy and a good performer mine was a twin bilge keel version and could out point and pace many a contemporary fin keel boat of that size range a testement to the pen of E.G.VAN DE STADT. however very much a sailors boat...
  2. pheonix

    Mayday at Holyhead

    All verry well in hindsight i was up at maryport cumbria. forcast for weekend there was easing from a f6 early sat to f4-5 and easing sunday another for the solway said f5 all weekend. when i looked into harbour entrance "from pier" sunday am it looked like looking into SWMBO'S washing machine...
  3. pheonix

    Volvo 110S Saildrive - cooling water tap

    i think 3/4" or 19mm for the eurified
  4. pheonix


    also found in the solway sailing directions but i cant remember where you can get a copy
  5. pheonix

    Pros and Cons of Abersoch for moorings

    abersoch moorings hi i had my jaguar 28 there for a year no probs with insurance only through april sept. however getting out to mooring hardly aniwhere for dinghy storage and car parking abismal unless members of scyc and use their launch, of which i was not a member. last year plummed for...
  6. pheonix

    Main Sail Luff Slides - Low Friction Type Availability or Can Standard Type Stick

    sticking slides i lubricate with a 100% silicone spray obtained from local haberdashers / sewing machine shop works a treay product is bogud easy slide i think but i may have name wrong certainly less expensive than proprietory brands from swindleries and probably more suitable and wont stain...
  7. pheonix

    Which Flotilla Company?

    generally pretty sociable unless you have the misfortune to end up berthed next to the roudy group of german "gentlemen" as we managed to find at port asoss who discharged their holding tank when leaving the harbour in the morning. after a noisy night they inflicted upon us, does nothing for...
  8. pheonix

    radio advice

    thanks all. have remade deck connection and have an improvement, however cable has seen beter days so next trip to masthead will see cable replaced.
  9. pheonix

    radio advice

    now returning to forum after an absence but hope that some body can shed some technical expertice my way. mr ships radio seems to be underperforming. so it is my intention to conduct a test for standing wave ratio. having seen the meter available from maplin for CB radio would this meter be...
  10. pheonix

    My boat is stuck!

    anyone in the area tomo i happen to be from the area presume uyou are on wardels creek or skippool and presume you are a bilge keeler if so you could connsider increasing your low down bouyancy by strapping some drums between the keels in a manner that allows kwick release once safetly...
  11. pheonix

    callamity at Maryport marina

    Hi simon any thoughts of a replacement for oscar 2
  12. pheonix

    callamity at Maryport marina

    gates left closed at hw as said the gates were left closed during adverse weather at HW CATCH GAVE WAY AND GATE DROPPED OPEN the gate during normal opps is closed at LW water inside holding gate shut at this point there was a rush of water causing a huge wave that ripped through the first few...
  13. pheonix

    callamity at Maryport marina

    yesterday at hw there was a gate failure at maryport marina the ensuing tidal wave wiped out a nmber of finger pontoons causing the sinking destruction and damage to several craft.luckily my boat suffered only cosmetic damage
  14. pheonix

    This must invite a caption (hope it's new to the forum)

    Re: This must invite a caption (hope it\'s new to the forum) an accident that could be walked away from! even on water.