Recent content by Paradox

  1. Paradox

    is Aney one now redey for SEAFAIR HAVEN 2012 at milford haven ?

    I was at Lawrenny for the week and very enjoyable it was, despite the weather. The Reception at Milford Marina was great on Wednesday, the sore head on Thursday morning, not so good... Here we are... Pete
  2. Paradox

    Dinghy or trailer sailor

    Graham, FYI there's a yahoo group dedicated to the Voyager at Many a happy day spent in our Voyager. Pete Ex Voyager sailor.
  3. Paradox

    Linux chart software

    Bluecharts will run under Wine also.
  4. Paradox

    Sven Yrvind

    Furled Sails podcast Ditto Hear an interview with him here and if you don't know who Matt is see my site below!
  5. Paradox

    Frozen Marina Pics

    North Pole Marina - for god's sake don't tell Al Gore North pole 1956 North Pole 1958 North Pole 1962 North Pole 1987 North Pole 1999
  6. Paradox

    Barry to WSM by canoe 1960

    There's an interesting article on Bill Sergeant's blog about him racing from Barry to WSM in the Bristol Channel race of 1960. I've never been out there in the conditions he experienced, but I'm sure some who have, will...
  7. Paradox

    A JC boat going for a song.

    Reading Bill's Blog today, I notice Bill Churchill is selling Annie's Magic. Might interest someone.
  8. Paradox

    Heavy Weather and small boats

    Robert Manry was the guy who did the transatlantic in Tinkerbelle. Two names that jump out for me immediately are Sven Yrvind and of course Roger Taylor. Sven intends to sail...
  9. Paradox

    Massive scaffolding barge 'thing' in BC

    info here:
  10. Paradox

    Massive scaffolding barge 'thing' in BC

    Picture here Pete