Recent content by oncewaswafu

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    AD41P ev limiting

    Re: AD41P Rev limiting Many thanks. I had a vague idea about it limiting due to bad connections, but if it's purely mechanical then that's out of the window. Thanks for the photo of the sender. I'm going to tighten / change the fan belts and see if that makes any difference, but as it has...
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    AD41P ev limiting

    Re: AD41P Rev limiting Thanks.. Its both. The rev counter shows 2000, the boat wont accelerate etc. I'm safisfied it is rev limiting. I'm off to have a look as soon as it's on a maintenance rack, check all connections etc.
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    AD41P ev limiting

    Re: AD41P Rev limiting Unusual - there's normally someone with an idea!
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    AD41P ev limiting

    AD41P Rev limiting Hi all. Had a problem occur twice now, as follows. Transitting Pompey harbour at hull speed, temperature climbs to 80 degC which is its normal OT. Then, a while later, Temp gauge flickered and dropped to zero. Then, trial and error showed the engine would not accelerate above...
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    Why on Earth....Spoiling the ship for half-penarth of tar. Hours Meter.

    And, oil analysis needs a baseline. OK, a catastrophic failure would be apparent, but most wear is gradual, and unless the oil has been sampled on a regular basis it's not too reliable.
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    What makes a marine engineer?

    I was going to say "Tiff, spit" but then I saw "Mechanician " which made everything OK! All same me, 'cept I was a WAFU.
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    Handheld VHF recommendations please.

    Agree with Cobra. I have the same on and it's great. Fantastic battery life, good range on transmit too.
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    beneteau swift trawler 44

    This one is half way there for you Oops sorry, it's a 41!
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    Whats the biggest size boat that can take the bottom???

    Out of interest, what drives do you have?
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    Whats the biggest size boat that can take the bottom???

    But outdrives will be a problem. Need to be up to take the mud, but down when afloat so the rams aren't exposed to the beasties. Or pretty soon, no seals left!
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    A to take my 4.8mtr rib with us on our travels

    I could live with that problem!
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    Dip the rope

    Apologies if it's been mentioned already, too many posts to read through. When I was being trained by the RN, many moons ago, the term employed was 'through footing' Why? God knows!
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    (Video) To the owner of a Sealine S41 in Hythe or Town Quay...

    What mount do you use for the Go Pro? Holds it nicely.
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    Power Tec duo props

    I have just fitted a J6 set (single) to my Sunseeker Offshore 25. Very smooth, tracks much more precisely, rapid acceleration, faster onto the plane. WOT seems to be about 50 rpm higher. All good, but my old props were a bit tatty. How they would compare to a mint set I can't say
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    Huge US aircraft carrier too big to dock in Portsmouth

    The Gosport Queen was it's Liberty boat. I heard a guy in a pub asking 'why do they turn it around eveyy day?'