NormanS's latest activity

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    NormanS replied to the thread Autohelm ST 7000 Control Unit.
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    NormanS replied to the thread Autohelm ST 7000 Control Unit.
    Thanks. Yes, I saw that, but I was hoping for something slightly less expensive. 🙂
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    Just what it says in the title. Has anyone got one lurking on a shelf somewhere?
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    NormanS replied to the thread Anchor Tripping.
    How do you get that? In decades of anchoring, I've had four or five instances of my anchor being fouled. Discarded moorings or anchors...
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    NormanS replied to the thread Anchor Tripping.
    Having been involved with helping someone who had unfortunately fouled his anchor on the main electricity cable between Coll and Tiree...
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    NormanS replied to the thread Failing anchor chain.
    That is really interesting. Many years ago, I had a newly laid mooring fail where "high spec" chain was used. Maybe, in spite of all the...
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    NormanS replied to the thread Failing anchor chain.
    That broken weld would be so easily missed. It might have been always or usually in the root of the gypsy. Full marks to Gael Force.
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    NormanS reacted to Tranona's post in the thread high cutlass bearing wear with Like Like.
    Is that 25mm shaft original? What was the original engine? as a 25mm shaft is far too small for a 14T boat with a 50hp engine. I have...
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    NormanS replied to the thread Taransay Anchorages.
    See if you can find the mill stone near the top of the hill. And wonder 🤔
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    Deleted. I'm wasting my time.
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    NormanS replied to the thread Taransay Anchorages.
    Walk down to Caagil Bay, and enjoy the "Bowling Alley".
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    NormanS replied to the thread Taransay Anchorages.
    Loch Uidhe is an excellent and beautiful anchorage, provided that there's no south in the wind. In a south wind, the sandy bay north of...
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    NormanS replied to the thread Cromarty 36.
    Hi goodtimes, as mentioned by Tranona, I also have a Cromarty 36, "Curlew". We've had her for 17 years now, and cruise on the West...
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    NormanS replied to the thread 60/40?.
    Just back from a five week cruise in the Outer Isles. Cold, grey and windy. On one passage of advanced rock dodging, we actually had to...
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    NormanS replied to the thread What bearings for anchor roller?.
    So if there's very little wear, what are you fussing about? Tut tut.