Recent content by Mysteresailing

  1. M

    Valencia Mar

    The marina is really clean and tidy, Now we have started to hire a car when we come out it makes life much easier, The local of the marina from town is a trek and the bar onsite is very hit and miss when it’s open. All the pontoons have been replaced and maintained to a very high standards. My...
  2. M

    Valencia Mar

    It’s the name of the marina, it’s not the one in town it’s right out on the end of the commercial port.
  3. M

    Valencia Mar

    Not decided yet looking for where we can go once I can fly out as bit to far to drive for the weekend. open to ideas
  4. M

    Valencia Mar

    Just received my renewal from Valencia Mar, No warning on the pending renewal just 2 days after our mooring expires I get a invoice for just short of double last years fee. They have put the yearly fees up by a massive 68%, Only warning of rate increases they gave was hidden in a news letter...
  5. M

    Copper coat alternatives

    We have had the jaycar system in the uk, used to just get left with like a thick mud on the bottom with anti foul, Now in the Med with copper coat and the jaycar was working for 16 mo this until I left the boat to stand for 4 months came back to light cover of barnicals and growth but a dive...
  6. M

    Battery Management

    Where is the neutral link from your starter battery to your domestic bank? Does that pass thought the shunt?
  7. M is closing

    Hi Peter, Happy to take it on and keep it running, I head off on a sailing on holiday on Tuesday for two week, if your ok to keep hold until October then i will have the time to do the transfer. Matthew
  8. M is closing

    Run a hosting company so would be happy to take over the hosting and then get one of our designers to work on updating the code at some point. What version of pho and sql is it running?
  9. M

    Coxengineering website migration/rebuild

    You would also need to buy a new domain name as you don't own the current one so would not be able to take it with you, as it's a sub domain with the parent domain owned by Microsoft. We have done lots of migrations from SharePoint to Wordpress so would be happy to help, Could also offer free...
  10. M

    Bradwell north cardinal unlit

    Can in Saturday night in the pitch black and nearly hit the post as the light is out of action. Not sure who to report it to?
  11. M

    Safety Briefings / Talks - What do you include with new crew

    the flares are in the locker, if I am onboard I will let you know if we need them, if I go overboard then feel free to make use of them, But your find a friendly voice on channel 16 on the VHF,
  12. M

    MMSI number

    Only problem we had with the ofcom website is you can only have one account registered at the same postcode and door number. After a phone call we created the account using our nabours door number, then update the address after registering.
  13. M

    In need of a Bump start

    Anyone around bradwell tomorrow with a big long set of jump leads or able to help tow us into the marina as we have been out on the mooring over winter and the wind has killed out wind gen and now have two flat batteries?
  14. M

    have ploughed a new channel in to bradwell

    Who knows the dept in the chennal as we have just moved to a mooring in the creak and got there about 1 hour after low water and had a fun time sitting aground. Is it deeper buy the red cans or the green sprigets? We draw 1.4 what side of low water can we expect to be able to get out?
  15. M

    sea fishing how not to do it

    Looks like a game of chicken who will hold it the longest.