Recent content by MonniotC

  1. M

    Rust Removal

    My experience of using Evapo-rust on some old rusty tools was very disappointing.
  2. M

    Johnson 4 hp piston

    Why not take your piston to a motor-cycle shop and/or an engineering shop that does rebores and ask them if they can source a piston-ring (or two) which would fit? Even one that is a bit too large diameter-wise, but ok for fitting in the groove could be ground down to fit.
  3. M

    Any crane experts on here?

    You are right. With the bottom end of the mast weighted with whatever kind of ballast is convenient, the lifting point can be just a little above the ballast. It could be sandbags, chain, or whatever.
  4. M

    Simrad TP10 tillerpilot mystery fault

    It's probably not relevant to your problem, but I've had two TP 10's. Both died of getting a little wet. I mean exposed to a bit of rain. What possible use are they on a boat?
  5. M

    Sabre 80hp high oil pressure

    Surely it is impossible for the oil pressure to remain high after the engine has stopped? The oil pump will not be running, and oil within the engine will be leaking out of the bearings quickly. This points to a faulty gauge.
  6. M

    Epoxy a nut to the inside of GRP

    At that price it's worth buying an entry-level mig or arc welder and making your own. And you'd have a useful toy afterwards.
  7. M

    Reefing versus Easing the Mainsheet

    Errr. If the wind is behind you, easing the mainsheet won't help. You won't be able to on account of those dratted shrouds and spreaders.
  8. M

    Freddie Starr ate my inflatable! Is it repairable?

    "If this lot would confine themselves to biting the insulation off live 240V cables we might let evolution take its course... " Ha Ha. Darwin awards for rodents.
  9. M

    What is the best way to make up a quick and dirty portable pump?

    I recently bought one of these from ebay for approx £15 inc. postage for diesel transfer. Self-priming. 12v DC. Only used it a couple of times, but works a treat. 12V Car Transfer Self-priming Pump Extractor Engine Oil Tank Hose Remove Siphon 738603084140 | eBay
  10. M

    Where to keep boat for winter on S coast

    Admittedly a few years ago, but I used to get my boat craned out annually at Emsworth Marina for a week or so while I antifouled and did other jobs. I often stayed overnight as I live about 50 miles away, and had no problems.
  11. M

    What is the best way to make up a quick and dirty portable pump?

    That probably depends on how much you enjoy explosions. Water and diesel no problem.
  12. M

    Best canvas waterproofing

    I'm guessing from the spelling that "ferreteria" literally means "ironmongers". But the first thing that jumped into my mind was a shop full of ferrets :ROFLMAO:
  13. M

    New VHF

    I've never had any ICOM or Cobra kit, but I've had a fixed DSC and a handheld Standard Horizon for about 12 years now, and very happy.
  14. M

    NASA marine EX1 exhaust temperature alarm

    I have an exhaust temperature alarm I installed over 10 years ago. Trouble is it simply sets off an alarm. There is no visual display, so it's impossible to know if it is working. I have just ordered one of the siliconmarine ones.