Recent content by MK101

  1. M

    Essex Marinas - no room at the Inn at Bradwell

    We lived in SE16 and sailed from Titchmarsh in the Walton Backwaters. It was an average of 1 hr 45" to get there. Rotherhithe tunnel was a pain going home but apart from that it was fine. So a shorter trip than yours to Norfolk and a delightful area to sail. As said previously, you get very used...
  2. M

    Zeeland to IJmuiden

    The shallower bits on the standing mast route are mostly in the part beyond the Ijsselmeer, through Friesland and beyond. You go back into the inland system from the Ijsselmeer via Lemmer or Stavoren, and can exit at Lauwersoog or go on through Groningen to Delfzijl. The maximum draft is given...
  3. M

    Zeeland to IJmuiden

    Lorentzsluis can be busy and a bit of a free-for-all but you'll get through eventually. There have been traffic restrictions there recently because of work strengthening the Afsluitdijk etc. That also applies to the lock at Den Oever. The Waterkaart live app will give you latest info. You can...
  4. M

    Windsurfing from Scheveningen to Lowestoft and back - today!

    Hi all. Reupping this because Bob is on his way today! Last time I checked he was doing 16 knots or so and approaching 🇬🇧 coast. Another 110+ nm to go to get back to Scheveningen. It would be an amazing achievement. Details in my opening message on this thread.
  5. M

    Windsurfing from Scheveningen to Lowestoft and back - today!

    Update from Bob himself: a combination of higher than predicted waves, and a confused sea, meant that he struggled to get to the required speed and direction. In addition, the sea state was much tougher on the support boat than predicted - they were struggling to keep up and burning much more...
  6. M

    Windsurfing from Scheveningen to Lowestoft and back - today!

    Update: unfortunately it looks as though he’s heading back. Will try and find out what the issue was.
  7. M

    Windsurfing from Scheveningen to Lowestoft and back - today!

    Hi all, Dutch windsurfer Bob van de Burgt is currently en route from Scheveningen to Lowestoft in the opening hours of a mighty challenge today. He is windsurfing all the way from the beach here to the beach there, and back - in one day! It's more or less 200nm. He's doing it to raise funds for...
  8. M

    Advice on Belgium and Netherlands Cruise.

    Sounds tremendous. Glad it’s been a success. Hoorn is our base, a very nice place. We’re now in the Waddenzee - planning on heading further east for a change. Enjoy the rest of your trip!
  9. M

    Standing mast route blockage in Groningen

    Indeed I was looking at it as a poor weather option. So fingers crossed we don't need it!
  10. M

    Standing mast route blockage in Groningen

    If anyone was thinking (as I was) of using the Staande Mast Route from Delfzijl to Harlingen/Ijsselmeer (or the other way round) in the coming weeks, then I'm afraid you need to think again. Dutch water authorities report that an opening bridge in Groningen (the Visserbrug) needs urgent repair...
  11. M

    Best place to leave the boat Ijmuiden - Calais

    Agree on the friendliness of Watersportvereniging Ijmond. Always welcoming when we have stopped there. We know people who are members also, and they're happy. Not strictly within your criteria but a relatively simple day (just under 40 miles) from Ijmuiden through Amsterdam and the Markermeer...
  12. M

    Netherlands Entry Formalities

    This page might be useful Reporting requirements for commercial and recreational vessels There are contact details on there if needed as well. We're planning to go to Germany this summer as well (but from the Netherlands). The Imray pilot book says you need crew list + passports (and stamps if...
  13. M

    Advice on Belgium and Netherlands Cruise.

    8 weeks sounds wonderful. I'm jealous. The Delta is lovely, as you know. Oosterschelde and Westerschelde both fun to sail. We really like Zierikzee. It's always busy but so is everywhere, and we were able to get a berth at the yacht club before the town centre, saving rafting out into the middle...
  14. M

    Advice on Belgium and Netherlands Cruise.

    To clarify the closure - it's the bridge near Schiphol which is totally inoperable at the moment (indeed till next year). So the night route is out. But the route through Haarlem to the North Sea Canal is open - although until 7th June there are quite severe restrictions at the Cruquiusbrug, so...
  15. M

    Any AIS experts out there?

    No - they stopped sailing, so it's not the former owners. But it's also true that they never had the same issue. So whatever happened took place after we bought her. Something may have happened when we transferred the details to our names. But the numbers (at our end) are definitely correct -...