Recent content by mattnj

  1. M

    Sun Odyssey 40 Heater Routing

    Hi. Does anyone have any experience with heating on a SO40? I can't see an obvious place to put the heater and route the air pipes. Thanks
  2. M

    DIY bow thruster speed control?

    I will definitely over spec by 150%... It's not safety critical... So I will be giving it a whirl for sure.
  3. M

    A really effective fuel can wanted.

    Google "dump churn 20l" or youtube...
  4. M

    DIY bow thruster speed control?

    i don't need a hydraulic thruster....its not about "need" its about "why not!" its a very simple install, I'm happy to be the first, I was just wondering if anyone else has done it... the main advantages are (lower currents, ramp up, variable thrust, hold feature) It a bog standard reversable...
  5. M

    DIY bow thruster speed control?

    it definitely is that simple.... the expensive ones are usually AC/brushless, and probably expensive because they are "marine" but there is no reason not to have a variable speed DC one.
  6. M

    DIY bow thruster speed control?

    You can buy variable speed thrusters...lots of benefits over just switching on/off
  7. M

    DIY bow thruster speed control?

    Has anyone tried a DIY bow thruster pwm speed controller... Something like a Curtis 1227 (24v 200amp, reversible) On a joystick... Would enable fully variable speed, lower current, longer runtime etc... I can't be the first to think of it?
  8. M

    Bow Thruster install Battery?

    Thanks... Yes cables are a decent size, Ive not checked size but they "normal" beefy starter cable size... So can I connect an AGM directly to the lead acid engine start battery?
  9. M

    Bow Thruster install Battery?

    Hi. Having a Thruster installed over winter... Jeanneau Sun Fast 40, single hand a fair bit. Probably 65kg variable speed thruster. 300amps? Currently has beefy cables up to bow for windlass... What's the best solution... AGM battery up the front and connect windlass and thruster to that, and...
  10. M

    Drying out moorings anywhere uk

    Not read the whole thread.... Ryde marina? Got power and water there now.... Super cheap when I last looked
  11. M

    Southampton Deep Visitor Moorings..,where to go..

    Morning, 12m x 2.4m draft (40ft x 7ft+) draft fin keel boat.... wondering if there is any visitor moorings available up near the top of Southampton, Town Quay/Ocean Village area ish... Fancy somewhere new, and ideally less £££ Is there any swinging visitor moorings, or club moorings or other...
  12. M

    Seriously Sticky Diesel Reside

    I have so very thick sticky black reside in my tank, its very dark red, and very thick/sticky like treacle.... I cant find a solvent to break it down yet (not tried that many things) but i have a GRP fuel tank so need to be careful. Does anyone know what will clean it up? i need to wipe out the...
  13. M

    Proper rowing tender

    Sorry I should have said...will be in a rack on afloat on need to go anywhere else.
  14. M

    Proper rowing tender

    Is there such a thing as a proper rowing tender... I rowed my rubbish pile of junk for an hour today and really enjoyed it... I'm wondering if there is a proper tender make/model available all geared up for rowing....
  15. M

    Sailor rt144b repair?

    Thanks, i asked them they dont do repairs