
15 years dighy sailing in my youth; rya yachtmaster (theory) & coastal skipper (tidal) 2010 *.
still get seasick :(
* crewed on an rya (school) moody 36 out of largs to carrickfergus (ireland), returning via port patrick ... and also round the mull to port ellen, returning via the crinan canal.
crewed on a sweden yacht in the solent.
chartered a vancouver 27 out of brixham with a friend and sailed her round to salcombe, returning via dartmouth & dittisham (2012).
ok, so no great shakes ... but my first passage-planning without anyone to fall back on.
almost bought a monsun 31 in holland in 2013, but bottled out.

paragliding, sailing, travel
sheffield, uk
retired ... after 40 years working in nhs