Thanks for your replies...
I did nip over to Pill one night a few years ago but then work caught up with me! It looks like my time is starting to become less hectic work wise so I will be sure to pop over again!
Cheers for your reply!
All sorts really, just finished a year with the Northern Lighthouse Board, the Scottish equivalent of Trinity House on the NLV Pharos Buoytender and start on Dive Support Boats come the end of May. Tankers, Fishery Patrol, Platform supply...spent time on them all...
Good Day,
I am looking to get myself crewing for anyone that needs someone. I used to dinghy sail in my younger years and did a competent crew course some years back in Portugul. Since then, circumstances meant I have not stepped on a boat however I now have the time!
I am in the Merchant...