Recent content by malcolmgrant

  1. M

    Gutted with Garmin

    Its just a general moan I guess. I bought a Garmin chart plotter in the winter of 01/02, fitted it and bought some G-charts for the 02 season. Today with the weather improving I contacted Garmin to get my charts updated of this season. And I am very angry to learn that they have stopped...
  2. M

    Zodiac Tenders

    I have an Avon with a blow up floor and its very good, rolls up nicely for stowage and amost as stiff as a wooden floor but much better in many respects. <hr width=100% size=1>
  3. M

    Jeanneau 34.2 Autopilot

    I am fitting a rudder reference unit for the Autohelm on my ’01 SO 34.2, it really doesn’t work very well and Autohelm assured me at the boat show that the rudder reference unit would solve my problems. Anyhow, this requires that I fix one end of the unit to the steering quadrant, hidden just...