
I live with my wife and son and three dogs in a house we self built in the forest near Eridge Rocks. My wife and I met whilst I was doing a yacht delivery that morphed into an ARC and she was crew. We married in Nicaragua the day after a drunken proposal that got out of hand. For the last 11 years we have been working,living and sailing together which is probably the only time in my life when a drunken decision turned out to be a good one.we are currently working together on our dream of leaving the house,business and rat race to sail as far as we can until we fall off the edge of the. World.

Boats, motorcycles, juggling and being alive
Site manager in our build company
User's Name
David Hartley


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    Can't stop!

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    Keeps coming back

    30 messages posted. You must like it here!
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