Recent content by Mahi

  1. M

    Keeping you're cool when moored

    Re: Keeping you\'re cool when moored I haven't used that particular version. But the older more basic model used to work a treat and was considered an essential item in the tropical waters that I plied. Of course if there is no breeze - nothing will help, short of a/c, but sleeping on deck...
  2. M

    Realife MOB recovery - lessons learnt

    Re: Test pic You are a very good pc doggy - when I lived there it was ..... Wonga - pa- row- ah
  3. M

    Realife MOB recovery - lessons learnt

    Well done Rob - you obviously did extremely well under those circumstances. I take my hat off to you. A method that I have used successfully in practice and in real case scenario is as follows: It requires having an inflatable on board, or you could use a liferaft in extreme conditions etc...
  4. M

    Bubbles in Varnish

    Re: Surface is too hot(varnishing) In days gone by when I did more varnishing than was good for me, I used to use a product called Penetrol as an additive which helped a lot particularly in the tropics where I did most of my varnishing work. Try not to work too fast as this sometimes causes...
  5. M

    Seasick treatment

    Yup - any strong smells (diesel, smoke, stuffy cabins etc) will push any one who is feeling a bit green over the edge quite quickly! Ginger is good (also try as a tea with bits of ginger in hot water). Peppermint clears the gluggy feeling and can help if only as a mind over matter thing! Avoid...
  6. M

    Ellen. Is she getting stick cos she's a girlie?

    The Armchair Critics Challenge... Ellen did what she did under rules that anyone, yes anyone.... including those who are whinging about her now could sail under. She would have been crazy not to have taken full advantage of those rules. This race took place in a different era, there is no...
  7. M

    First Aid- you never think you'll need to use it!!

    Re: First Aid- you never think you\'ll need to use it!! Your friend was very lucky that you were there to help. I always learn something new every time I do a 1st aid course. Each time there is an improved technique, or an old technique that has been discarded. Plus, as someone here...
  8. M

    Dreading the New Year!

    Don't worry, my 80 s'thing mother calls 60yr olds 'youngsters'.
  9. M

    Thailand Tsunamis

    Hehe Sounds idyllic. I suggest a nice warm spot under a coconut tree, and don't forget ... .....'you are what you eat'..! Happy New Year too!
  10. M

    Thailand Tsunamis

    Wasn't that amazing Forbsie. Totally agree - excellent suggestion. Claymore , finished at last, what a relief! I hereby nominate you as Scuttlebutt humourist and diplomat of the year!
  11. M

    Thailand Tsunamis

    All through history there have been those who have said ‘you can’t do this’, and ‘you can’t do that’. It was not long ago that we were told that cars would never take the place of horses; that no-one would want a computer in their home. It is easy to be a nay-sayer, but it takes hard work...
  12. M

    Thailand Tsunamis

    Noooo! Claymore you are making me laugh again! The Cat was twisting my argument. A typical cat-like move that I will not flinch from. Cat is definitely on the ropes as far as I’m concerned, and is probably being hopelessly buried under all the calls for a Indian Ocean-wide warning system...
  13. M

    Thailand Tsunamis

    No John, I am not disagreeing with you regarding proximity to the epicentre - obviously it is a matter of seconds/minutes before the tsumami hits the closest areas and a warning would most likely have been too late for most in those areas. I am thinking in a wider context than that, Sri Lanka...
  14. M

    Thailand Tsunamis

    Good grief John, many of these areas already have a mobile phone system in place, and if not, there are already enough NGOs and other organisations operating in the same areas that already possess satellite phones. It doesn't take a huge amount of imagination, or funds, to come up with...
  15. M

    Thailand Tsunamis

    quote from Ships_Cat] ......You remind me that when I was at university I flatted with a geology student. With respect to man's impact on the environment his view was that the changes that man could make were so insignificant compared to those that occur naturally in geological timescales that...