Hi Wizer, I think I saw your very fine CI32 In Sutton Harbour this summer? Am i right in thinking it was you who bought the very neglected (but almost new) Seaward also from Sutton?
Anyhow, I have a little knowledge of both CI’s, having owned 2 for almost 20 years, and the area around Alicante...
Until you suffer a total loss and they implement their replacement boat clause rather than pay you the sun insured. Of course they say they’ve never done this, but the clause remains and therefore the option to implement said clause also remains. They told me last year that it will be removed...
It seems that Corin is also restoring another Phil Morrison boat, Summer Wine. Here it is as it was found, pic courtesy of Phil (who sent a box of matches to the person who found it!)
It will be interesting to see the end result.
I cannot believe that a thread about the brave men of Penlee who died 40 years ago has descended into squabbling. Shameful.
RIP all those who perished. And I salute anyone who volunteers to serve as an RNLI crew member.
We have been insured with Y for quite a few years, Y has now been sold to Topsail. We have just realised that our insurance ran out 3 days ago and we have not had a renewal note from Topsail. Having just phoned them they confirm that they somehow missed sending it out! Needless to say I’m not...
In Spain I used to use a largish folding anchor, but it was not much use in the Sandy bottom where we usually anchor, so I bought a locally made danforth lookalike for about €30. Normally I’m not a great fan of danforths, but this has been excellent. But all depends on what type of seabed...
I also use a little brick acid very occasionally to keep the pipes clear. And absolutely agree that flushing the loo with plenty of water definitely helps prevent the lime scale in the first place. A well known ex poster, jfm recommended using dissolved dish washer tablets which I’ve done. I...
Why are you surprised that I say that I will dispose of my old fuel in an environmentally friendly way. And that I won’t film it. I’ve never posted a video anywhere on the internet, ever. I wouldn’t know where to start. And why on earth would anyone want to watch me pouring a little stale...