Recent content by landahoy

  1. L

    "Trade Winds"

    \"Trade Winds\" This is the latest guest beer at my local Weatherspoons.....What a lovely ale !! Has anyone tried it ?
  2. L

    anyone going sailing next couple days-need crew ?

    Maybe this is a bit of a long shot. But I have just had a job cancel So if anyone is going sailing & needs an extra pair of hands let me know. Many thanks.
  3. L

    Is grey this seasons colour?

    In Dartmouth harbour this weekend there was moored up a a large power boat, about 60'. I'm sure this was a pleasure craft but as it was completley grey I was wondering if it was actually a military boat ? Did anyone see it, & if so what did you think of it ?
  4. L

    Man Overboard

    Jack stays
  5. L

    396 miles logged since competent crew sept 04

    ' CHEWSY' Moody 41 Troon - Millport - Rothesay - Largs -St.Ninians Bay - Troon. ' Bear Necesity ' Moody 376 Lymington - Cherbourg - Lymington. Many thanks Captain Cava ' Whimbrel ' 38 ft classic sloop Ipswich - Ramsgate - Eastbourne - Brighton. Thanks to...
  6. L

    My new boat (Well new in january)broom 345 *DELETED*

    Re: My new boat (Well new in january)broom 345 Can't get access to pics.
  7. L

    Frostbite Race this weekend on the Thames.

    Do you know if anyone needs crew?
  8. L I have just foun this site. Free for skippers & crew. Wot do you think of it?
  9. L

    A lock for big boys

    CRUMBS !!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. L


    Hi all, Has anyone got any tips on how to get into racing as a crew member ?
  11. L

    Insurance write-off's

    Insurance write-off\'s Does anybody know where or if these boats get sold on ?
  12. L

    Insurane write-off's

    Insurane write-off\'s Does anybody know where or if these boats get sold on?
  13. L

    In need of a Swabbie?

    hi Rich, How's you? Taking your boat out yet?
  14. L

    Is it a plane? Is it a boat?

    I see the boat was called 'Twister' seems quite apt!