Recent content by jrudge

  1. jrudge

    Boat without much repairs needed- is there such a thing?

    In a word no. I do 90% of my own maintainance. I make sure over winter the works are done and if it is broken I fix it so we start the season with a clean slate. I carry lots of spares and general bits ( wire / hoses / tools etc) which means that most stuff can be fixed as it goes wrong and...
  2. jrudge

    Volvo Penta ECU’s

    I assume ( and it really is assumption ) that an ecu at is heart is quite simple. It controls the timing and volume of fuel delivered to the engine based on a series of inputs ( throttle /temperatures / pressures / turbo pressures etc ). To do this it uses a map. Given there are other ecu...
  3. jrudge

    A Williams Jet Rib Guide

    I suppose the question is if it was simple Williams would have done it like that as they do it in the other models I wonder if the bigger boat needs a bigger force to hold the bucket ? I did not know they used actuators but given salt water etc what could possibly go wrong !
  4. jrudge

    Does British boat building have a future?

    It depends who you are aiming at. In my view ( and it is just a view) the U.K. manufactures are sitting in no man's land. They have made themselves very expensive ( design choice / manufacturing inefficiency / production choices ( insource / outsource ) and no doubt more. The doing well...
  5. jrudge

    Does British boat building have a future?

    Henry. This post comes across as pushing your agenda / preferences rather than being based in reality. The boats used to sell to the normal guy doing well. Now they can't. You have the position that a 40 foot boat is ball parks £1m but France who are no exactly a great example of free market...
  6. jrudge

    Broom as a live aboard/solo cruising boat

    Those above who live aboard I assume are in one place with a job / sense of community. This is quite different to moving about as an inexperienced boater single handed round Europe. There will be little social interaction and anything the goes wrong ( most weeks ) will require the op to find...
  7. jrudge

    Broom as a live aboard/solo cruising boat

    Take a step back. You are an inexperienced boater. Why do you want to live on a boat for 8 months of the year? The boat you are looking at is small. Why do you want to live in such a small space? Boats have nil insulation. Keeping them warm in winter is difficult / expensive. You will...
  8. jrudge

    Princess F55 - using submersible bathing platform for the first time

    I didn't bother to remove the straps so every now and then one went up the jet drive. It pulls out so no issue but you do loose power !
  9. jrudge

    Princess F55 - using submersible bathing platform for the first time

    As above. Rough is interesting. If you leave the tie down straps on when tender is off it's only a matter of time until ( assuming a jet rib) the tail goes up the impeller. Being short you can pull it out easily enough but it will stall the rib. If property rough don't take it lightly and...
  10. jrudge

    Venetian Blinds

    The main thing is you need vertical strings or they will slap about all over the place and destroy themselves rapidly. No one other than boat suppliers ( £££££) provide them. You can get some conservatory blinds that have them so they don't fall down but getting what you want maybe...
  11. jrudge

    Hull Shield ultrasonic antifouling - Does it really work?

    There have been many real world reviews and i dont recall a single one saying it worked. Some how the vendors manage to find lot of lovely case studies for their website ! I assume that given enough power on a small bit of hull it once worked to spawn this industry - or maybe i am being charitable.
  12. jrudge

    Chinese gyro stabilisers

    solid state sensors are everywhere - they cant however impart a force which is what the gyro does. The gryo is relatively uncontrolled. There is a brake to keep it I'm limits but it is not "controlled" per se. It just does what a gyro does which simplistically is stay upright.
  13. jrudge

    Chinese gyro stabilisers

    USD 55k for a squadron 58. More than a sea keeper.
  14. jrudge

    Volvo EVC-D faults on 5.7 GiCE-300-R

    Check the voltage at the engines. You may have a bad earth etc. from a cursory look it does seem to have a decent chance of being volt related. Check the volts before they are on. When ignition on and when you try to start it.
  15. jrudge

    Volvo EVC-D faults on 5.7 GiCE-300-R

    I would start with do you have sufficient battery voltage. With low volts all sorts of odd things happen.