Recent content by johnalison

  1. johnalison

    Yacht gets wedged under UK railway bridge

    They are listed as option extras, which is why most of us don't bother.
  2. johnalison

    The view across Lyme Bay

    and that’s not all, so I’m told.
  3. johnalison

    Teak toe rail splitting

    There’s no law against varnish but it just doesn’t work. I had a boat in the ‘70s with a varnished strake that was hopeless. In those days Deks Olje was the answer but that wasn’t wonderful either. Thee are products now that will give a varnished look but leaving it and using Boracol/Patio Magic...
  4. johnalison

    Teak toe rail splitting

    HRs of that vintage had forest-grown teak that should be very robust as long as it doesn’t get split with frost. Simple filling should be an adequate measure, even if it doesn’t last for ever, even if the proper job might be ideal
  5. johnalison

    ⛵️Walton Channel 2024🛥️

    I don’t think it ever filled up last year, but people do seem to be getting later generally, including me. If nothing else, it makes coming and going from Titchmarsh easier.
  6. johnalison

    How do you refer

    I once did a link call to my brother to tell him I was on my way home from France. He was hosting some rich friends for dinner at the time and took pleasure in telling them that he was talking to his brother on his yacht, even though it was just a Sadler 29.
  7. johnalison

    How do you refer

    Why does that sound OK but "The wife" doesn't?
  8. johnalison

    How do you refer

    By name only to people who know her/it. Even so, I am more likely to say "I'm going down to the boat" to anyone. My boat is of somewhat indeterminate gender and I am probably too casual about not saying 'her'. To most people, both inside and outside the sailing world, I pretty well always say...
  9. johnalison

    Most Expensive Visitor moorings 2024

    Although from the East Coast, we used to pass that way fairly often. As with many places, the trick is to get settled in somewhere, preferable inexpensive, before the weekend and sit it out until the place clears a bit. Places such as Yarmouth without shore access make a good base for exploring...
  10. johnalison

    Most Expensive Visitor moorings 2024

    I imagine that the Solent prices are nothing to many sailing there. A boat with six on board going out for a weekend meal on Saturday night might only have to pay £15/head, which they’ll scarcely notice in the grand scheme of things.
  11. johnalison

    Why do newer boats have IKEA interiors?

    I don’t dislike the modern look, but I find plain surfaces less restful on the eyes. Similarly with modern houses, there is nowhere for one’s eyes to rest on, though this is not helped by my tendency to double vision. I find patterns such as carpets or wallpaper easier on the eyes, and on my...
  12. johnalison

    Switching from marina to mooring

    I can’t say that peace is usually a problem at my marina, though I have occasionally had to apply corrective measures to other boats’ halyards, but the outlook, at dozens of other similar boats, is bleak compared to the variety at our one-time mooring. I’m not saying that moorings are better...
  13. johnalison

    Switching from marina to mooring

    Much depends on your situation. We had a mooring for many years with our then Sadler 29. In the end I got fed up with dealing with an inflatable and got an 8' pram which would just about take 3 persons of good behaviour. It was very light and had built-in buoyancy. It was easy for me to drag it...
  14. johnalison

    Volvo 2030 starting woe

    Although largely covered by a hinged panel, my V2030 ignition switch failed some years ago and had to be replaced.
  15. johnalison

    Advice on Belgium and Netherlands Cruise.

    On average, you are more likely to meet westerlies later in the season, which can make the cruise more problematic than, say, the Channel Isles. If you do choose to do the north, which I do recommend if possible, then it makes sense to be within reach of home by the last week, or earlier. In all...