Recent content by J_Priedkalns

  1. J

    Overland transport in US or Canada

    The main problem in trucking accross Canada is the BEAM of the boat. If the beam is over 12ft an escort is required which may invole the Police from prvince to province. A quicker way to ship trans Canada would be renting a flatbed railcar; unfortunatley you have to rent the entire flatbed.
  2. J

    Shore Power(again!)

    This is a North American Socket and is rated at 125V 30A West marine has the fittings to match this connector
  3. J

    where in the world to buy a boat

    Try or
  4. J

    Compass Swinging

    Another way of checking your compass is to use a celestial navigation program with your computer to use the sun's shadow to check your compass deviation whilst sitting at your dock. The program results can be pre-printed beforehand for a particular day for each hour of the suns position and...
  5. J

    Warming GRP repair

    Using an Infr-Red lamp does a better job of warming a GRP repair, but it must be supervised! <hr width=100% size=1>
  6. J

    Post deleted by danfoley

    Re: Lightening Strike We had a "near" strike whilst sleeping onboard our boat; the finger dock that our boat was tied to was vapourised! No injuries to ourselves, boat, electrics or electronics. The noise and light show was horrendous! A friend of ours in Florida was struck whilst being on the...
  7. J

    Post deleted by danfoley

    Re: Lightening Strike I have had a "near" strike whilst on board; the dock my boat was attached to was vapourised, but no damage to my boat or myself, electrics or electronics. The noise and the horrendous flash was ubelievable! A friend in Florida was on the hard in a marina doing maintenance...
  8. J

    Low shorepower voltage

    You could try using an adjustable isolation transformer to compensate for the low shore power input. By adjusting the primary voltage taps to match the low input voltage, you will get the required voltage on the secondary side to run your equipment. We use one on our boat and it certainly works...
  9. J

    V.W. Diesels

    I have been using a marinised automotive VW diesel since 1985 and have had no problems with the engine or any of the marinising parts that were supplied by Lansing Marine. The great part of this engine is the self bleeding characteristics, cheap replacement parts and the HP to weight ratio and...
  10. J

    Lighting paraffin burner

    In North America a gell was sold in toothpaste type container that was used for lighting/starting kerosene stoves and lamps. A small dab of this stuff in place of meths/alchohol was all that was needed and there was never any worries about spillage of lighted meths/alchohol. Unfortunatley, I do...
  11. J

    Time Signals

    For accurate time signals tune in on your SW radio dial at 5MHz, 10MHz, 15MHz, 20MHz and 25MHz and listen to the WWV signals and compare it to your GPS
  12. J

    What camera on a boat ?

    I am surprised that no-one has mentioned the NIKONOS cameras which is the perfect camera for the boat as it is a true under water camera and is built like a tank ( I broke three ribs when I crashed during a fast ski trip and suffered for it a long time and not a mark on the camera.) Also used it...
  13. J


    The W connection is your tachometer terminal. Most tachometers have an internal calibration adjustment trimpot to compensate for various pulley sizes to match your engine RPM's.
  14. J

    The price of engine spares

    I marinised a VW Golf diesel (non turbo) for my 42ft sailboat and it has worked like a charm for the past 15 years. Parts are no problem as any automotive store has most parts, also service is not a problem; for a case of beer a VW mechanic will do a diesel tune-up! (Marinising parts were...
  15. J

    newbie/ inner forestay question(s)

    On my cutter rig when sailing with the genoa, the staysail forestay is removed by using a quick disconnect/highfield lever together with its boom and stowed on deck. Hope this helps!