I appreciate the sentiment, but I wouldn't want to be paid. Being volunteers means that we (mostly) all do it for the right reasons. The people who join to play hero or just mess about it boats soon leave. I honestly think that if we were all paid the very essence of what the RNLI is would be...
Well that's up to the people who donate to the RNLI to decide surely. Or perhaps you have become judge and jury for that also.
I have to say I find your whole issue with the RNLI a tad strange, unless you are a volunteer, which I assume you are not.
On the whole, volunteers for the RNLI are...
No absolutely not, but for the most part crews can get on with normal paid work. Someone who's a full time doctor clearly can't do that. Don't forget we do have volunteers in our frontline roles elsewhere, specials in the police, the TA, St John's, the air ambulance, mountain rescue, blood bank...
I must admit a always struggle to see the nearly £50k for a D class, Fantastic boats, but £50k? Really?
Dont think I could be in a paid role either, nearly applied for a DAT role a few years back, until I saw the salary ?
It is an insult the salaries they dish out for cox and mechs, given what...
Sorry I don't really get your point. In your previous post you say they spend to much on boats or they are too expensive, but you now seem to be implying they aren't spending enough? Am I missing something?
Well, you may well be correct in what you say about the Rnli cosying up to dubious characters abroad, I honestly don't know about this.
The misteatment, discrimination and degradation of women around the world under the cloak of religion, particularly Islam and catholisism is utterly...
I agree entirely with you regarding grandiose buildings. I couldn't quite believe the size of the new HQ building when I first saw it. Totally outrageous.
I have to say i find it a tad sad when people moan about "services it provides abroad"
The statistics are pretty grim.
" drowning is the...
Well I guess your reply was predictable if nothing else. I'm fully aware you think the SNSM does a better job of running its services than the RNLI, that's fine.
I agree the St David's boathouse cost was eye watering, but I'm guessing that if there was a super cheap alternative that didn't...
No idea, I would have thought it was a no brainier purchase though, given how much of the plant around the coast was made by them. It's probably in the annual accounts somewhere.
Edit. Just found this in the annual statement
On 7 January 2019, the RNLI acquired 100% of the ordinary share...
Ok, a paintbrush is not exactly a large purchase, and if it was for a job on station, you could certainly have claimed it back in expenses. Not sure about clothes, there is absolutely no requirement for anyone to buy anything to wear on a lifeboat or station, I'm a bit lost with that one.