Recent content by Elessar

  1. Elessar

    Looking at a 1998 Bayliner Ciera (8) ....

    I’ve owned two bayliners of that era. Gelcoat and GRP made in quantity and high quality. Engines from mainstream manufacturers. Fittings and finishes made to a budget but you can see what you get. One thing to be aware of The hull / deck joint. It is a weak point. It is not glassed...
  2. Elessar

    Unloading yacht from truck and refloating in northern France

    I did this a few years ago and used coast to coast for the transport and carteret for launch/ heavy works. Radar arch in my case not a mast but the yard were great. It all went well. I wasn’t there for the unload and arch fit, and I don’t speak French. So lots of potential for cock up but it...
  3. Elessar

    Does British boat building have a future?

    We’ve just installed a brand new state of the art VR cave in work and it’s available to rent if princess get their act together. Don’t need chunky gaming goggles in there. You know where it is……
  4. Elessar

    Sealine uk now.

    Sealine had nice molded in flybridge steps and easy access before the competition. Even when that was no longer a USP, their volumous packaging and innovative use of space was. In my 25 year old sealine (my 3rd sealine) I can ascend to the flybridge at sea carrying a tray of food or drink. The...
  5. Elessar

    Sealine S37

    Compare weights not lengths. And definately not stated lengths. Fairline turbo 36 proves that point.
  6. Elessar

    Boot Dusseldorf, the big indoor boat show 2025

    princess were refusing people today too. Short sighted thinking.
  7. Elessar

    Sealine S37

    As I was looking up bayliner pics I thought I’d post a “where am I”
  8. Elessar

    Sealine S37

    See how few steps there are up to the fly on the Bayliner.
  9. Elessar

    Sealine S37

    The Bayliner 28ft flybridge was much lower. From the cockpit you went down to the saloon and up to the flybridge. The F33 has a level saloon so the fly is much higher. When I first got my s37 I tied it alongside the Bayliner and the helm seat was the same height off the water even though the...
  10. Elessar

    Can you boat more cheaply on the south coast?

    Drivers on the Itchen.
  11. Elessar

    Sealine S37

    Not for living space. The F33 is spacious and nice when tied up.
  12. Elessar

    Sealine S37

    Do not get an F33 without a sea trial in a decent sea and make sure you are happy with it. The S37 is a good sea boat. The F33 is terrible in a quartering sea, the upper helm is very exposed and visibility poor below. Even quite small waves from the quarter make them feel alarmingly unstable...
  13. Elessar

    Hull Shield ultrasonic antifouling - Does it really work?

    I remember you doing a particularly good and well controlled experiment on your stern gear. Your statement is well qualified.
  14. Elessar

    Sealine S37

    I had one and it was one of my favourite boats. I don’t think there is a more spacious 37ft sport cruiser. The covers are an important part of the boat. You need good quality ones that go up and down easily and don’t leak. Budget for new unless they are perfect.
  15. Elessar

    My bowthruster doesn't work like I thought it did .....

    You’re right you will just get a diagonal with 1, but that can be handy. Here is a 3rd for you then. Electric springs. Nothing you can’t do with a line but it saves the hassle. If blown on to port, fender the port quarter well and BT starboard until the midships are well off the...