Hi all
you can buy adaptor plates that sit on the hob and allow you to use your existing non induction cookware
Regards Don
Best 8 Induction Cookware Converter Disks with Reviews for 2021 [Comparison]
From memory for safety reasons I think that electric blankets need to be flat when turned on and not tucked under mattresses etc so this might be something to keep in mind if you have odd sized mattresses in a v berth for instance
Regards Don
Powdered Graphite in a puff pack avail from most auto parts stores works well and because it is dry it does not attract dust
Also most of the time the key will wear before the cylinder does
Regards Don
A sad situation for all involved
We went on the Shotover Jet in New Zealand a few years ago and to me it is a fine line between exciting and disaster with a lot of faith put in the ability of the person at the wheel and the systems on the boat when going through the walls of the gorge
I think...
It shouldn’t be too hard to get someone even a complete stranger to go for a ride in a rib and it will cost you nothing unlike playing with different props and foils
Regards Don