Recent content by ChilledChilli

  1. C

    Cornwall Thoughts & Ideas

    Many thanks to everyone for replying - it really is appreciated. My wife has given me 0/10 for navigation having pointed out that the NHS Hospital is in fact a couple of miles to the West of Truro, not the East. Not that I suspect it will make that much of a difference to the recommendations...
  2. C

    Cornwall Thoughts & Ideas

    My wife has been offered a job in Truro at the hospital - which is on the East side of the city - and we're weighing up a possible move. One of the big things that appeals is the possbility of keeping a small (say 26') lift keeler somwhere, as well as doing some dinghy sailing with our 8 year...
  3. C

    Should someone who has never sailed be allowed to charter?

    First post from a long-term on/off forum follower here. It doesn't seem to have caused Sailing Holidays any major issues over the last 30 odd years or I guess they wouldnt do it. When I did my first flotilla with them 5 years ago I didnt have any experience beyond dinghy sailing, and once I was...