Recent content by Ceabea

  1. C

    what do you use to keep Rats from tightrope waliking your lines ashore

    Oops can't spell my own name Try Also we caught the devil with a chunk of twix , left it to roam the boat overnight locked in , being nocturnal creatures , the stillness and darkness did for it , we stayed ashore in a rat free zone .
  2. C

    what do you use to keep Rats from tightrope waliking your lines ashore

    Yes I've had a rat onboard, took over my boat , bit through GPS cable ,so I devised this unit , good for intruders and rodents , and can be moved around the deck , cockpit area is best location. sold by force4 , crew-safe etc, The rats jump from boat to boat when close...
  3. C

    The One Thing I Wish I had known Before I Started ...

    Anchoring is ok ,but stern too is hard on your own , find a big gap away from boats, spot a rock or tree , drop the bower going astern , close too, chuck the kedge to windward, get held , and take your time to moor to the shore, use your dinghy to get to the quay, watch everybody cramming in ...