What has happened to SCUTTLEBUTT?


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16 May 2001
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Where have all the regulars gone? Most of the threads here look like they are misplaced from other more relevant forums hosted by ybw.com. It is time for some genuine scuttlebutt. I will have another couple of tots and start some mischief.


Please don't. It sounds as though you were possibly one of the troublemakers that caused the temporary withdrawal of the forums before.

I hope that, if you do start trouble, Karl & Co will stop you smartly.


It has become a place for civilised discussion

Whilst I miss some of the repartee, I don't miss any of the loony fringe who seem to have put their anchors down elsewhere, where I am sure they are having their type of fun.

I congratulate IPC and their staff for creating a moderated BB for serious discussion.

Chris Enstone, Rival Spirit


18 Apr 2004
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The dish needs a good stir...!!!

Jack, me hearty,
This Scuttlebutt thing has got completely out of hand - due to some minor mishaps in the not-so-distant past, everybody is pussyfooting around and avoiding any contentious postings.

PLEASE, PLEASE, if you can put a few fire crackers in, do so!! We need some healthy fresh air in this stagnant little pool, left behind by the sea.

How about 'Fin keel boats are really an abomination, and only long-keelers should actually inherit the earth'?

OR-- 'Electronic aids exist on the same level as vibrators, simply sex toys - to be abominated by real sailors'

OR-- 'We should all support legislation to ban the use of heads direct, and holding tanks should be mandatory'


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16 May 2001
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Oh no not that old line again "BOB" if that be your name. You have already attacked me once before and owe me a rum.

Lighten up you old kill joy!


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16 May 2001
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Re: Action is called for!

I think that the time has come to indulge in some real scuttlebutt action and annoy all those tedious old bores who have turned this forum into another discussion on how to connect gas cylinders and which end id the pointed end of the boat.


30 Nov 2002
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Hardly controversial!

I have no difficulty at all in agreeing with all three propositions. But I think, in this era of enhanced environmental awareness and amazing communications, we could go a little further and ban all engines. After all, the auxiliary motor was originally fitted to yachts to allow the owner to get back home on Sunday evening in a calm; today you can, with the aid of a bit of Bluetooth, etc., do all that needs to be some from your notebook PC via your mobile so there is not the same rush to get home....


Re: ...and so shall the bland inherit the Earth.....nm

Here, here!!


Worry not, there is a tide in the affairs of fora

There are several reasons why change has quietened things down a bit. Perhaps the most important of these are the loss of the conservatives, who go off in a sulk at any enforced change, and of the pranksters, for whom the whole thing has become a little too much of a fag. As ACB (aka Mirelle) and Steve Cronin point out, that leaves the technophiles and the middle-of-the-roaders, who between them couldn't organise a lively discussion in Jerusalem.

It is possible that the spectrum of contributors will broaden again in time. Then again, there was an unusual and peculiar mix of technical expertise, humour and irreverence about the old Scuttlebutt with its own unique chemistry. Perhaps I am being complacent in assuming it will fall into place again.

Bring back von Thadden, the contributor who forced Scuttlebutt to confront what it really was.


Re: Action is called for!

I like many others, got sick of the diatribe and rhetoric of the 'chardonnay swiling, racist land lubbers' and went elsewhere. The 'clicky' crowd who made a point of ignoring newcomers, insulting the French and having private conversations in code. By ignoring the fact that this bulletin board is monitored all over the world people such as myself got fed up reading all this garbage. The majority of it having no reference to boating.

I would suspect these people are now doing what they should have been doing in the first place, emailing each other in private.
At least now the contributors arn't attempting "post records" whereby some nonsensicle, radical comment was made which would go and on for days resulting in 60 or so responses. The following 60 would be congratulating the retard that started it.


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16 May 2001
Home mid Kent - Boat @ Poole
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Re: Worry not, there is a tide in the affairs of fora

np with all the past and current but believe that (a) contributors should not be unaccountable for their posts and
(b) contructive threads should't continually be sunk by people who can't be bothered to start their own - on whatever subject.


16 May 2001
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Let me tell you what\'s happened to SCUTTLEBUTT

Everyone want's to be "Oh so polite" and there's not half a dozen real sailors left here that can answer a serious question about anything maritime. You all sit on your arses, picking your noses, telling the world how to do it or how it should be done, and very few would know one end of a marlin spike from the other, so be carefull where you sit that fat arse. I bet this don't go down to well.


And I bet you don\'t go down well either!

I don't know if the expression TROLL applies to UK forums but in the US [I'm English btw] they call someone who appends to a forum for no good reason than to wind people up and create loads of replies and I fully accept that I'm responding to a suspect TROLL but for good reason. I don't know what TROLL stands for ... could be 'Terminally Retarded Odious Lager Lout' for all I know?

Here's the clincher though - a maritme forum is for [wait for it] maritime subjects not just having a laugh or annoying good folk - sign up to AOL and go to the chatrooms if you have several hours to spare to talk b****cks? So you can see that I'm not that polite and what is a real sailor anyway? I have thought of another use for a Marlin spike though!

If by chance I have you all wrong I deeply apologise but if you are a TROLL then go and find another hole to create mischief in!


Re: And I bet you don\'t go down well either!

Oh I forgot! Take jollyjacktar with you!