Solar panels on a Contessa 32


27 Sep 2021
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Hi All

I am in the market for a Contessa 32 for use in the tropics and I would like to add at least 400W worth of solar panel. Does anyone have any design ideas or suggestions on the best way to mount the panels. In the past I have used boats with heavy and ugly frames on the stern, but I suspect that solar technology has come a long way since then and that there are now much neater solutions.

Any suggestions?


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10 Nov 2007
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Somewhat surprised you are considering that boat for use in the tropics! Not what it was designed for and while it adapts well to long distances sailing from a sailing point of view it is not a good design for living on in hot climates - not least because there is no space to attach meaningful solar. As Kelpie says once you have used the guardwires for a 100w panel each side there is no space for any more and the shape of the boat does not lend itself to the usual next step of a stern gantry or a fixed bimini.


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1 Oct 2002
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If you managed with the 200w mentioned in post 2 you could retain the standard (rather small) battery set up which is suitable for lead acid batteries up to c120ah + c 60ah start battery. Going to 400w you would probably want to modify the battery storage area, perhaps up to 2 * 100ah + the start battery. Beyond that there is scope for moving the start battery into the engine bay. This is doable and no real problem but worth thinking about.
The Contessa facebook page might be useful, either to join or look for ideas.


27 Sep 2021
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Thanks all. Doug, you are right that battery capacity would need to be increased to match.

Tranona, it's true, everyone tells me that a Co32 not suitable for tropical sailing because of the narrow and stuffy interior and lack of open deck space for its length! However, I have spent many years in many different boats in this area and I have learned that (at least for my purposes) the ability to progress to windward in 20-25Kn of breeze and a big swell is of overwhelming importance. I have sailed cats that are great as a platform for swimming with the kids or relaxing at anchor, and fantastic when being blown down wind, but pure torture when you need to get back upwind. Whereas a boat that can reliably go where you need it to gives you the confidence to embark on a decent cruise of perhaps a week or 2. And I must say that overall, I have had more fun in conventional, long keel, boats. Not least because when necessary, we can just put the kids to bed and drive upwind overnight - this is not beating directly upwind, but the sustained close haul sailing that a classic mono hull loves.


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28 Jul 2002
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I had a Contessa 32 before my present boat. My intention (which I never got round too) apart from putting solar panels on the guard rail was to install one on top (or possibly under) a frame that I'd intended to position above the spray hood. The main purpose of the frame wasn't actually as a support for the panel but rather as a handhold for going forward and an attachment point for high level jackstays. I've seen a few boats with this sort of frame but the only one that comes with it as standard as far as I know is the Yarmouth 23

As you may well know some (maybe all) of the Canadian made Contessa 32 came with opening port lights/windows which now that I've have them would I think be worth having in the Tropics.


25 Sep 2020
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I had a Contessa 32 before my present boat. My intention (which I never got round too) apart from putting solar panels on the guard rail was to install one on top (or possibly under) a frame that I'd intended to position above the spray hood. The main purpose of the frame wasn't actually as a support for the panel but rather as a handhold for going forward and an attachment point for high level jackstays. I've seen a few boats with this sort of frame but the only one that comes with it as standard as far as I know is the Yarmouth 23

As you may well know some (maybe all) of the Canadian made Contessa 32 came with opening port lights/windows which now that I've have them would I think be worth having in the Tropics.


25 Sep 2020
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Possibly add a hatch garage solar panel.
Had mine made from a thin plywood tempted I made.

Aluminium bolt on hatch garage has a fitted 100 w square solar oanel covered with 1 cm thick clear acrylic to protect from the inevitable winch handle accident.