Sailing in Italy


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6 Nov 2020
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Tuscany is orange zone at the moment. Those of you in Italy will know what that means: You are only allowed to move within your municipality. I went to the local coastguard and they confirmed that this is also valid on the water. But... they didn't seem quite sure. One guy was serious about it, but the other guy didn't care too much and I somehow got the impression that nobody will enforce this on the water.
Anybody knows? Anybody out there sailing? Could the fact that neither I nor my boat are Italian have any relevance in this?


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26 Jan 2004
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We just return back after 9 days away and nothing has been said .
If you read then new reg it does say .
"Carrying out motor and sporting activities on an individual level and in compliance with the distancing rules is permitted."
" Prohibition of entry and exit from the regional territory. Return to one's residence, domicile or home is always permitted "

So if you have a marina contract and you live on board , it can be class as returning to Your residence.

All depend how it's looked at and who looks at it .


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6 Nov 2020
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Thanks for the reply sailaboutvic. I hope you had a nice sail.

Where in Italy are you? What I read is that in the orange zone you are not allowed to leave your municipality, except only for reasons of work, health or study. Concerning sport it said what you quote, but with the annexe: only in your municipality. Where do you get the English information by the way?

I see your point with returning to one's residence, but my marina contract runs out end of march and I'm more interested in the time after that.

I guess it's all in your last sentence.

I think I will start by exploring the municipal waters and see how the situation evolves after easter.


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26 Jan 2004
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Thanks for the reply sailaboutvic. I hope you had a nice sail.

Where in Italy are you? What I read is that in the orange zone you are not allowed to leave your municipality, except only for reasons of work, health or study. Concerning sport it said what you quote, but with the annexe: only in your municipality. Where do you get the English information by the way?

I see your point with returning to one's residence, but my marina contract runs out end of march and I'm more interested in the time after that.

I guess it's all in your last sentence.

I think I will start by exploring the municipal waters and see how the situation evolves after easter.
In my defence it was yellow when we left but a day later it was announced they was going orange , by then it was too late .
like the rest of Italy three days over Easter it be red
We be leaving sicily and starting our season if not before .


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6 Nov 2020
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I understand. I hope they will allow movements after Easter in Tuscany, otherwise I will make a Covid test and cross over to Corsica and go to Sardinia from there. Where are you heading?


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26 Jan 2004
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I understand. I hope they will allow movements after Easter in Tuscany, otherwise I will make a Covid test and cross over to Corsica and go to Sardinia from there. Where are you heading?
We spend time in Sardinia last year while it was still in lockdown , we wasn't bothered when we arrived from Sicily and the 4 weeks we was there we had no visit , the only contract we had with the CG was in Oibla and then they only interest in us was for us to pay €15 for two night on the harbour wall not interested where we came from or any paper work.

France as you may know is now shutting down so how that will effect Corsica in the short run, who know but again last year we spend time in Corsica and several months in the South of France without any problem .

Our plain was to pop out of the Med this year and spend time in Portugal but the info we getting from cruises we know there so its word and month info and reliable and not biased is the lock down is tough for people who want to cruise regarding covid restrictions so its looking more like changing that plain .

Maybe Sardina and the South of France again ,
Plans changing by the day .


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6 Nov 2020
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Thanks for all the information. Sardinia sounds promising. I spent last summer in the South of France too and no problems. Will see about Corsica. As you say, hard to plan anything these days. Good luck!


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4 Feb 2002
Still going south currently in Corsica for winter
Corsica is fairly laid back and have spent the winter here in Propriano, as I stated in another thread I hope to get a covid jab here at the local pharmacy.
Shopping supermarkets are open also bread and meat shops coffee being served outside on the terraces.
Hope to sail to Sardinia soon then on to Malta.


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18 Oct 2010
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Please keep this post updated with regards to Sardinia. Our yacht is there and looking to drive to portsmouth, ferry to Santander then drive across spain for another ferry from Barcelona to Sardinia.

All provisionally booked for 19th May but with Flexi tickets just in case


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28 Apr 2020
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Please keep this post updated with regards to Sardinia. Our yacht is there and looking to drive to portsmouth, ferry to Santander then drive across spain for another ferry from Barcelona to Sardinia.

All provisionally booked for 19th May but with Flexi tickets just in case
Finger’s crossed for your upcoming trip. We’re considering berthing our boat in Sardinia too - arriving late May. Do you mind if I ask which marina are you in (and perhaps your reasoning behind the choice)? We’re very much novices in that region.


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26 Jan 2004
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Finger’s crossed for your upcoming trip. We’re considering berthing our boat in Sardinia too - arriving late May. Do you mind if I ask which marina are you in (and perhaps your reasoning behind the choice)? We’re very much novices in that region.
You find most British liveaboard head for Cargliari marina del sole , mostly because it's on they way to going east and they do winter deals but there other nice marinas around Sardinia .


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15 Jan 2019
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In the last lockdown in Italy we picked up a boat in a Orange zone, went through a red zone and ended up in a yellow zone. That said we were moving the boat to S Italy so we could have argued that we were moving back to its home base. No one stopped us or even questioned us (asked where we had come from for example when we checked into the marinas) and tbh I actually never really thought about it until now, but it is actually a perfectly logical thought to consider! I suspect you are fine given the Italians thankfully do things their own way. In the UK you would probably be hanged, drawn and quartered - probably before you even managed to get off the boat :)


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6 Nov 2020
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In the last lockdown in Italy we picked up a boat in a Orange zone, went through a red zone and ended up in a yellow zone. That said we were moving the boat to S Italy so we could have argued that we were moving back to its home base. No one stopped us or even questioned us (asked where we had come from for example when we checked into the marinas) and tbh I actually never really thought about it until now, but it is actually a perfectly logical thought to consider! I suspect you are fine given the Italians thankfully do things their own way. In the UK you would probably be hanged, drawn and quartered - probably before you even managed to get off the boat :)

That's interesting and exactly what I thought. Until now I have only moved inside municipal waters and when I got controlled by one of the many different Italian polices (Guardia di Finanza) I learned that even in the red zone sailing is always allowed. They asked me where I was coming from, but when I offered them my marina contract as proof they were not interested. So I guess it's like you say, lockdown on land, free on the sea.


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26 Jan 2004
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I'm sure it depends where you are and who you come across , we quite laid back here in Sicily compared with most places but last time we was on red a yacht sailed out for a day sail he wasn't out there long before the CG when out and told him to go back into the marina


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6 Nov 2020
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I'm sure it depends where you are and who you come across , we quite laid back here in Sicily compared with most places but last time we was on red a yacht sailed out for a day sail he wasn't out there long before the CG when out and told him to go back into the marina

That's interesting. Tuscany is red zone since Monday and here on Elba I see a lot of boats going in and out the port of Portoferraio. Also the officer I came across explained me the same thing that you wrote earlier in this thread: that sport (sailing) is permitted. Must be like you say, depends where and who.


4 Apr 2021
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We are currently at anchor outside La Spezia since 8th of March, and we plan to sail Elba as soon as possible after Easter.
Staying at anchor seems to be safe, we have the CG and costa di finanza passing by our boat daily, but no interest In us.


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6 Nov 2020
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We are currently at anchor outside La Spezia since 8th of March, and we plan to sail Elba as soon as possible after Easter.
Staying at anchor seems to be safe, we have the CG and costa di finanza passing by our boat daily, but no interest In us.

I'm at anchor since two weeks in different anchorages around Portoferraio and no problems with the authorities. Had a visit by the Guardia di Finanza and they told me that sailing is allowed even in red zone, because it's a sport. I still haven't dared to leave the municipality though, as restrictions on land are very strict now. Let me know how your trip goes.


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23 Aug 2002
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My understanding is that sailing is allowed, as long as it is with family members with whom you reside (in other words, it's not an excuse for going out with your mates to avoid the rule against groups getting together). In Italy, pragmatism rules; these strange days have inevitably led to regulations being made hastily that cannot by definition take into account every possible scenario, but where a regulation goes against common sense (such as the lack of risk of passing on the batbug if you're on a boat), common sense will – generally – prevail. But the authorities are very strict that socialising at the marina is not allowed (my club, for instance, has its bar, restaurant, gym and changing rooms closed, except for the youngsters competing in national regattas).