Marina wifi feedback please


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21 Jun 2012
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I'm pondering where to place my boat and the quality of marina wifi is one of the bigger considerations. Marinas under consideration are:
Boatfolk - Haslar
Premier - Gosport, Port Solent and Southsea
MDL - Northney and Sparkes

I'll be working from the boat increasingly and any first-hand experience of wifi provision would be much appreciated.

Northern Star

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25 Dec 2020
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I don't use my marina (MDL Penton Hook) wifi as I find it is far better to have a Three 4G router with unlimited data for £17 a month!

Runs off 12v too so I can also use it whilst cruising and the smart TV is connected via ethernet.
6 Nov 2011
South coast/ Portsmouth
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I know Gosports not brilliant but not sure about the others.

Might be better to go 4G?
Seconded. Prem Gosport WiFi not up to it. Gosport is also full anyway. WiFi in marinas is frankly appalling in most places, either in spatial coverage or bandwidth and speed, or consistency. It's inexcusable of the marina owners and, moreover, managers (especially for example those the size of Premier and MDL) to allow these situations to persist. It no doubt continues from two things. First the lack of strong, serious and relentless feedback from users who use their marina more than a simple 'boat park', who also give up at doing others people's jobs and therefore spend more money on their own 4G provision (if indeed there's a signal!). Second, it's about too passive management (in terms of user centricity) and IT service provision (eg not verifying the quality of the service they nearly always outsource - and think is brilliant, and isn't). Shameful really as better in situ WiFi could greatly assist with effective and efficient berth/space management but, hey, who wants to live in the 21st century!! PBO very recently had a news item about a marina that has awoken and invested in latest generation(6) WiFi. Think it was in Lymington..check PBO. Good luck.